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The Three Things Should Not Be Treated As Just More Things to Accomplish

December 25, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, while sharing with some fellow practitioners, I felt strongly that some practitioners treat the Three Things simply as things to do. I personally believe that the Three Things that Master told us to do should become our natural behavior as we, the Dafa disciples, gradually find our original true selves during cultivation. From my understanding, they are not just things that Master arranged us to do.

Master told us in "Expounding on the Fa" (1997):

"Be aware: I am not asking you to intentionally do something. I am only trying to make you understand the principles of the Fa so that you will have a clear understanding of this. In fact, Dafa is not only to save human beings--it is also taught to all beings in the various dimensions. Your enlightened, original nature will automatically know what to do. Cherishing your human side enables you to enlighten to and ascend in the Fa. Dafa is harmonizing all sentient beings, and all sentient beings are also harmonizing Dafa. I have told you the solemnity and sacredness of the Fa in order to eliminate your confusion about and misunderstanding of the Fa."

I think what Master told us is the theory. However, if we cannot understand the Fa based on the Fa, cannot cultivate ourselves based on the Fa, or cannot treat our cultivation seriously, we are not able to understand the powerful meanings behind the Fa. If we understand the true meaning of the Three Things that Master has told us based on the Fa, we can do anything with a clear goal. Master told us, "Validating the Fa is cultivation." (Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students, 2004). However, if we ignore the Fa-rectification and personal cultivation while we are doing the Three Things, we might not walk our path righteously.

In the past two months, Master published the articles, "Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil" and "To the Australia Fa Conference". I enlightened that these reflect the current situation of the Fa-rectification. However, if we, the Dafa disciples, cannot study the Fa well, cannot study the Fa with our hearts, cannot cultivate ourselves well, or cannot keep up with the Fa-rectification, we will not be able to do a better job in eliminating the evil completely, we will not be able to stop the persecution of the Dafa disciples in China, and we will not be able to save the sentient beings that we should have saved. I think the relationship of these issues can be understood this way.