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My Experience Using Teaching Materials Containing Facts about the Persecution

December 24, 2006 |   By a practitioner from Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) My occupation is teaching English using the media. Before I obtained the Fa, I included news about Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners' protests against the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution in my teaching materials. So although I didn't start practicing Falun Dafa until October 2002, I had already unknowingly begun to clarify the truth of the persecution through my teaching materials.

My obtaining the Fa was also related to my teaching. Among the students who attended my classes was a Falun Dafa practitioner. She once gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun, and six months later, this book became the turning point of my life.

Recently, while teaching in an airplane manufacturing company, a student recognized me as a Falun Dafa practitioner by my email address included in the teaching materials. After class, we became fellow practitioners.

The method I used to teach English in the media was to separate the news into different categories such as politics, economy, crime, natural disasters, keeping fit, sports and so on. After obtaining the Fa, I felt that every student who comes to my class should benefit from my truth-clarification. However, I could not take too much time from them or somehow turn them off to what I say. So to prevent this, the truth-clarifying materials that I used to expose the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong were put in the category of Crime News and given such a topic as "State Terrorism." Furthermore, those truth-clarifying films produced by Dafa disciples were listed as teaching materials for English in the media. Whenever I was in the university halls or companies' training classrooms, I spoke about the truth-clarifying materials in English to the students -- openly and above-board.

On the New Tang Dynasty TV station, there is a topic on the English News called "Asia Brief," where the materials are compiled very well. For each piece of news, there is not only the English text, but also video and audio files which can be watched for free or downloaded to watch later. This is good basic material for studying English, even better for Chinese people to watch and learn from than CNN or VOA. I listed New Tang Dynasty English News in my teaching program, and among the materials was the news about lawyer Gao Zhisheng being illegally detained by the Chinese Communist Party, and other important developments.

Besides teaching in classrooms with printed materials, I use projectors to show New Tang Dynasty's English News. The results are very good and it also makes my teaching more professional. All the students are grateful for my introduction to such a great website. Through watching NTDTV's "Asia Brief" program, students learn more about the truth-clarifying materials, the current situation of people withdrawing from the CCP, and other facts about mainland China.

In the beginning, "Asia Brief" was only a small topic on the NTDTV website and I was thinking about how to spread it well. I wrote up a series of articles under the topic of "Watching the News to Learn English" in the category of education on the Epoch Times newspaper's website. Up to now I have written almost sixty articles. I heard from the editor that the number of website viewers clicking on it is quite high. I spread the articles under the name of learning English to more friends and students in ordinary society, who find it very useful in learning English.

My real purpose is to help people learn the facts about Falun Dafa while studying English. After two years of practice, the topics in NTDTV's English News have increased, including News of the World, Weekly News, and the Economic and Financial Report. Each piece of news has English text, together with video and audio files, which is very convenient for students. I know that the good results come from the many Falun Dafa practitioners' hard work.

In recent years, I often went to Hong Kong for truth-clarification, especially when a big parade was held there. I would never miss it as long as time allowed. Since that place is the mouth of a tiger, a place under the CCP's control, it has a special meaning when we cry out, "Zhen-Shan-Ren [Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance] is good!" "Falun Dafa is good!" "Heaven will eliminate the CCP!" and "The CCP will soon be disintegrated!"

Once, I took part in a parade on a Sunday in Hong Kong. After flying back to Taiwan on Monday, the English paper, The China Post had cited the report by the APA on the Hong Kong parade. I took this opportunity to mention this piece of news to my students. I talked to the students about the English news in which I myself took part to validate the Fa. It was a special experience.

My level in practice is limited. If the way in which I understand something or took action is in any way improper, not suitable, or insufficient, please be generous and point it out.