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Our Cultivation is Very Important

December 02, 2006 |   By practitioner Li Zhen from Hebei province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I would like to describe some things that happened around me recently so that I can share them with fellow practitioners.

Fellow Practitioner A: For a long time (one and a half years), our fellow practitioner, Practitioner A, had been interfered with by diseases, which were in the form of interference by demons and rotten ghosts arranged by the old forces. This made fellow Practitioner A live in a painful and yet indescribable situation. She gave up clarifying the truth and her suffering was driving her toward death. She even planned to divide up her valuables and give them to her kids, arranging things for her death.

We didn’t realize the seriousness of her situation until she told us in tears her story. Only then did we discuss and share our ideas with her. We told her that we are divine beings. Any so-called disease is nothing but a false impression, a form of interference from demons and rotten ghosts. If you don’t care about it, don’t acknowledge it, and think of it as nothing, haven’t you gotten through this tribulation? In addition, when Teacher doesn’t acknowledge something, we shouldn’t acknowledge it, either. What qualification does it have to interfere with us? All of them are evil beings that will be weeded out by Dafa. They are not qualified to test us. We Dafa practitioners should treat them with a divine being’s mentality and righteous thoughts instead of the mentality of common people. When your righteous thoughts come up, you may instantly get through the tribulation. With common people’s mentality, you may not get through it for a long time, and you could stay in such a state for a long time. The evil beings in other spaces could also take advantage of your loophole, making the situation worse and worse. To be a god or to be a common person is decided by a flash of one’s thinking! Didn’t Teacher say, "Disciples’ righteous thoughts are strong, Master has the power to turn the tide" ("Master-Disciple Grace," Hong Yin II)?

After the sharing among us, this fellow practitioner’s righteous thoughts came out. That very night, she had a sound sleep (prior to that she had a breathing problem and could not sleep well), and the next day, she went to a farmer’s market to clarify the truth. Now, this fellow practitioner is in a good state.

Fellow Practitioner B: Previously, I didn’t know him, and we became familiar with each other in doing truth clarification together. With "disease" in his legs, he could not walk, and he barely moved his body around using a walking stick. This situation lasted for more than one year. He was unable to get through this tribulation after a long time. He said to himself that he had a loophole in his xinxing, which allowed beings in other dimensions to take advantage of him.

I said, "Even if we have a loophole, those beings who are to be weeded out are still not entitled to interfere with us. From now on, you throw away this stick, as we will not recognize the old force arrangements. You don’t allow me to walk? I will persistently walk. We will believe in Teacher, believe in Dafa and walk the way arranged by Teacher, denying the old force arrangements completely. As long as we have righteous thoughts and act according to the Fa, Teacher can help us.

I quoted Teacher's words:

"However strong the righteous thoughts are, that's how great the power is. Dafa disciples are truly stepping forward out of ordinary humanness." ("Also in a Few Words")

I continued, "As long as you have righteous thoughts, things will work out for you and you can get through this tribulation."

As I was talking to him, he put aside his stick and started walking. He walked several times around in a circle inside the house (with relatively small steps). I said to him again, "You did walk very well, didn’t you? From now on, you must not hold the stick and you will walk by yourself." When his wife saw him walking by himself, she smiled.

Fellow Practitioner C: Evil beings from other dimensions interfered quite seriously with this practitioner as well. His body was reduced to skin and bones, and his spirit was low as he made out a will to his family. Fellow practitioners then shared their insights with him and sent forth righteous thoughts for him. His own righteous thoughts came up. As his mentality changed, his body also changed and his spirit got lighter. What happened before was nothing but a false impression! Now, this fellow practitioner is doing very well at the three things that Teacher has told us to do. Several days ago, he went to the countryside together with fellow practitioners to deliver truth clarification materials, and his physical condition returned to normal.

The changing of these three fellow practitioners’ situations made one problem clear: that there should be a good environment for cultivation among fellow practitioners. Our cultivation environment is also very important. After July 20, 1999, the cultivation environment in China was damaged and has been poor since then. The chances for fellow practitioners to share are few. Therefore, it appears that some fellow practitioners have been disturbed by the demon of diseases, and some of them have even had their lives taken away by the old forces. If there was a good environment for cultivation, like that before July 20, 1999, fellow practitioners could share and discuss regularly in the Fa study groups. As "xinxing" improves and attachments are given up, many losses can be avoided.

If you see anything improper in my understanding, please point it out with compassion.