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My Understanding after Memorizing Teacher's New Article "Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil"

November 08, 2006 |   By a practitioner from Calgary, Canada

(Clearwisdom.net) I understand from deep within the reason why I'm able to walk the cultivation path of Dafa despite the brutal persecution that began on July 20, 1999. It is because Teacher has taken on and suffered for me a tremendous amount of my karma. Therefore, I firmly believe in Teacher's Fa.

Whenever Teacher's lectures are published, other than guiding practitioners in their cultivation, it implies that significant events are about to unfold in the human world. I have recently emigrated from China. Because I witnessed, heard, and experienced the ruthless persecution of practitioners at the forced labor camps, prisons, and brainwashing centers, tears streamed down my face as soon as I memorized the article "Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil."

The following is my understanding from calling different places in China over recent months. Every day I quiet my heart to study the Fa. Because I have been memorizing the Fa during the past two years, when I'm pressured for time, I recite a few times what I've memorized the day before while I'm in the car. When I make phone calls, I do not hold fear in my heart. What we are doing is the most righteous thing. We are saving sentient beings, whether these are guards in forced labor camps, prisons, brainwashing centers, or the head of the 610 Office. Some people are very evil, and they say evil and cruel things.

One time I called the home of a Municipal Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary. His wife answered the phone. As soon as she picked up the phone she said that everyone who practices Falun Gong ought to be buried alive and killed. I immediately sent out a thought to eliminate all the evil controlling her. I told her how I knew of their phone number, and that everything her husband did has been reported to an international investigation organization. I told her that no matter where they run or how long it may take, every evil thing that was done to persecute Falun Gong and its practitioners will be thoroughly investigated, and not one person will be able to escape, especially since her husband's name is already on the Clearwisdom's list of evil people. She instantly softened up. When I called her again, her attitude was much better. I also explained to her the heavenly principle of "good deeds will bring rewards, and bad deeds will result in retribution," as well as about the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" and the movement to quit the CCP. She listened quietly.

When we call China to clarify the truth and encourage people to quit from the CCP, if the results are good, we should not be pleased with ourselves, since it is the power of the Fa that is behind us. If the results are not good, we should not feel discouraged, but just quickly readjust our attitude according to the Fa. As long as we call every day, we will become more experienced.

October 28, 2006