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Being Grateful for Master's Compassion

November 27, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) I was born in 1953 and grew up within the brainwashing culture of the Communist Party. As a result, I stubbornly believed in atheism and refused to acknowledge anything I could not see with my own eyes. However, after I began practicing Falun Gong, the miracles that happened to me forced me to change my previous ignorant ideas and caused me to understand why more and more practitioners refuse to give up their belief in "Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance" even under the atrocious repression by the evil Chinese Communist regime.

I heard about Falun Dafa in 1997. It is a pity that I missed the opportunity then and did not start practicing Falun Dafa at that time. After the persecution started on July 20, 1999, I saw that Falun Dafa practitioners are not at all like the negative portrayal on TV. They are good people. I also agreed with Falun Dafa. Sometimes, I helped Falun Dafa practitioners pass out truth-clarification materials and post messages. However, whenever cultivation practice was mentioned, I excused myself saying that I did not have time, that I was kind enough already, and that if I studied more, I would become sillier in ordinary people's eyes. I even said silly words such as I would only practice if it could cure my illnesses. Now, when I think back, I feel so regretful.

I had all kinds of illnesses: a cholesteatoma at the bottom of my inner ear (I frequently fainted), rheumatic arthritis, bursitis in my shoulder, gallbladder inflammation, intestinal adhesion after an appendectomy, thoracic vertebral ossein proliferation, lumbar disc protrusion, and knee synovitis ossein proliferation. All these ailments made me hyper-sensitive about any disease. Later, I took a lot of medicine to cure my rheumatic arthritis. However, all my joints and muscles became painful, whereas previously only the joints in my hands and knees had had pain. It was so painful that I could not sleep at night nor walk during the day. I could not even carry one pound. This lasted for three years. Such suffering made my life miserable. Later, my elder sister, a Falun Dafa practitioner, my non-practitioner friends, and my aunt who lived outside of the town, also a Falun Dafa practitioner, all mentioned to me the matter of cultivation practice. This time, I picked up Zhuan Falun with the purpose of curing my illnesses.

I cannot help crying again as I think of Master's compassion and merciful salvation. At that time, I truly forgot about my illnesses, the pain, and all other things when I began to read Zhuan Falun calmly. After I had read ten pages, miracles happened. I suddenly felt my whole body become light and the pain disappeared! I could not believe this was true because I had been so sick that I almost could not get out of bed. My neighbor asked me: "You look so well now. You talk so energetically. Your body is erect. Tell me what panacea you took. Have you met with an enlightened being?" I told her right away that I became well because of practicing Falun Gong. My Master cleansed my body! With excitement, I told all the people I knew that my recovery was because of my practicing Falun Gong!

For so many years, I paced back and forth at the entrance of Falun Dafa and wasted so much precious time. Master did not blame me for my poor enlightenment quality. Instead, Master had more compassion for me and took away all my illnesses after I finished reading the first ten pages of Zhuan Falun. My personal experience thoroughly crushed the atheism and argumentative evil doctrine of communism that cropped up in my thoughts.

I did not see Master in person. Why did my illnesses disappear? The facts have proved that merciful and great Master and his Law Bodies are with us protecting us all the time. I thus firmly resolved to practice Falun Dafa cultivation in May 2004.

I must follow Master's teachings and do the three things well even though I obtained the Fa late. Here I'd like to again express my gratitude to Master for giving me a new life with such great compassion.