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Letter to French President Jacques Chirac from the French Falun Dafa Association Before His Visit to China

November 01, 2006 |  

Paris, October 23, 2006

Dear President,

Upon hearing that you would be going to China this week, we are taking this urgent opportunity to remind you of certain facts related to the persecution of Falun Gong in this country, in the hopes that you will intercede again in the field of human rights.

Since July 1999, when the brutal persecution of the Falun Gong cultivation way in China began, it has been seven years. Defenders of human rights have written many reports on the topic. Lies and defamation spread by the Chinese propaganda have been successively unveiled by the international community. As for NGOs and associations, they have kept condemning these atrocities. Finally, millions of petitions have been signed all over the world asking the Chinese regime to immediately stop this persecution which is politically motivated.

For seven years now, over 3000 practitioners of Falun Gong have been identified as being tortured to death by the notorious 610 Office which commits crimes with impunity. Thousands are still detained in psychiatric hospitals where they are tortured, and hundred of thousands are still in forced labor camps where they are used as free labor while being tortured. Innumerable practitioners - men, women and children - are living under miserable conditions while trying to avoid the persecution. Most recently there has been a revelation that is even more horrifying and unbearable than systematic torture: it is the massive trafficking of organs taken from living Falun Gong practitioners.

For seven years now, in France, the Associations of Falun Gong have denounced the grave crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), hundred of thousands of French people have signed our petitions to ask the Chinese regime to immediately stop these barbaric acts and they have called upon you, Mister President, to offer your sincere help.

France has close diplomatic ties with China; its voice therefore has gravity. But during the past years the facts have shown that dialog does not function as we would have hoped. Indeed, if France does not pass the message publicly in the presence of the media, this does not put any pressure on the Chinese regime. The time is ripe to speak out now, because this persecution was initiated by the former Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin. As for the new president Hu Jin Tao, does he really wish to take responsibility for this gory affair?

The historical pages are being turned. To support human rights in China, during her last trip to China, German Chancellor Angela Merkel invited Chinese dissidents to meet with her. Chinese human rights lawyers in China, including Gao Zhi Sheng and others have raised their voices in spite of the terror and continuous pressure. Since November 2004, over 14 million Chinese people have quit the Communist party. The Chinese regime recognizes that 87, 000 social uprisings take place in China every year, which is largely underestimated according to experts. This shows that the Party is very unstable and might collapse at any moment.

We think that the time has come for you, Mister President, to start a public dialog with China. By way of the present letter, we call upon you again to intercede in favor of Falun Gong during your trip to China. We thank you in advance, as do those whose lives are at risk.

Most respectful regards,

Alain Tong
President of the Falun Dafa Association of France

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200610/36224.html