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Using Righteous Thoughts to Persuade People to Quit the Chinese Communist Party

November 01, 2006 |   By a practitioner in Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Teacher requires us to do the three things well. To assist in Fa-rectification and save people, other practitioners and I have been clarifying the truth to people face-to-face. We have found that many people can accept the idea of quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and they usually do it immediately. This is due to the fact that the evil has been eliminated to a large extent.

Once I went with a fellow practitioner to get my shoes repaired. We clarified the truth to the repairman while he was working on my shoes. Later, I gave him a copy of the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party," and he suddenly became unhappy. While he still had my shoes, he said, "I know you guys are Falun Gong practitioners. Give me 200 yuan or I will report you to the authorities!" I told him that it was not good for him to report us. Still, he wanted to report us. He said, "You see, there is the 610 Office right behind you. If I shout, they will come here immediately."

I calmed down and remembered Teacher's words:

"Under any difficult circumstance, everyone, remain calm in your hearts. Just by staying unaffected, you will be able to handle all situations." [Lecture on the Fa at the U.S. Midwest Conference June 26, 1999, provisional translation]

"If you are not afraid, the factor that would make you afraid will cease to exist ("Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)" from Essentials for Further Advancement II).

At that moment, I was not afraid and sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors behind him.

A man driving a motorcycle then pulled up. I thought to myself that I should clarify the truth to him. I told him the truth of Falun Dafa and about the withdrawals from the CCP. I used as an example my friend's situation to show him how corrupt the CCP is. A friend of mine was going to Harbin on business. Someone read on the Internet that the water in that area was polluted from a chemical factory and kindly told him about it. However, he did not believe the person and said, "If there was poison in the water, why didn't the Communist regime report it?" Ten days later, the Chinese media reported on it. My friend told me that he was very regretful that he had not listened to that person’s kind advice. The benzene in the water there is carcinogenic. It can be hazardous to use the water and the results may not be seen for five to twenty years. He said, "You see, if I suffer from cancer after five years, will the Communist regime admit its responsibility?"

I turned to the repairman and said, "You! You only want money instead of your life. I kindly tried to persuade you to withdraw from the CCP for your health and a bright future. But you try to extort money from me." The motorcycle guy then said, "The Communist Party indeed has done many bad things. Before, they made me go to the countryside. Now they have laid me off without any reason or compensation. The earlier the CCP is eliminated, the better we will be. I was once a member of the Youth League and the Young Pioneers. Please withdraw my name from these CCP organizations for me!" Then he happily left.

The repairman then changed his mind and calmed down. He said, "I want to see this Nine Commentaries. Actually, you Falun Gong practitioners are nice." He then truly wanted to quit his Youth League membership.

Under Teacher’s benevolent protection and our strong righteous thoughts, we turned a dangerous situation into a safe one. I again witnessed the greatness of Falun Dafa and its all-encompassing power.