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My Understanding of How Human Notions Are the Root Cause of Persecution

October 29, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China


"Everything that happens today in the ordinary society is the result of Dafa disciples' thoughts. Even though the old forces do exist, if you don't have those thoughts they can't do anything. When your righteous thoughts are strong enough the old forces can't do a thing." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.")

While reflecting on the past experiences of fellow practitioners and myself, I noticed that the persecution practitioners have endured ¡V the very existence of the old forces' persecution against Dafa and sentient beings - is directly related to practitioners' thoughts, attachments and human notions. Our human thoughts create an environment that fosters the evil demons, which then brings barriers to Master's Fa rectification and to practitioners' efforts to validate Dafa and save sentient beings.

Many practitioners who went to Beijing to validate Dafa, including me, had the notion that the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would not allow us to appeal. We thought if we went to appeal, we must suffer persecution. This is actually a notion, instilled in us by the evil CCP culture that we were brought up in. Many practitioners who came back from Beijing said, "When going to the Appeals Office or Tiananmen Square, you will be sent to a police vehicle as soon as you admit that you are a Falun Gong practitioner and then you will be imprisoned for fifteen days." When this thought was fixed as a notion, many practitioners went to Beijing with such ideas. So it is not hard to guess what happened. We were acknowledging and accepting the evil persecution while trying to appeal against it. This, in turn, brought us more severe persecution. Also, it is hard to eliminate persecution with such a notion.

Take my experiences as an example. I went to Beijing with the notion that I would be arrested, imprisoned, and then released. As a result, I was arrested, beaten, and imprisoned. When I went on a hunger strike to protest against the persecution, I thought I was not afraid of force feeding. As a result, I suffered the inhumane force feeding, but forced myself not to show any fear, just like a hero in the evil CCP culture. This represents another notion, instilled in us from long term brainwashing by the CCP-controlled media. When the police put handcuffs and shackles on me, I did not stop them with righteous thoughts, rather I just said, "You are so evil."

Another example of human notions is how I responded when ordinary people reported to security personnel in my area about truth clarification materials. The security personnel said, "Falun Gong is active recently." A practitioner overheard this and told other practitioners, "We must be careful, the security noticed us." This is not a righteous thought.

We are cultivating the most righteous Fa. Master's Fa rectification and Dafa practitioners' Fa validation are the most righteous and sacred acts in the universe. No one is worthy of disrupting this process.

During the past several years, we thought and did things according to the old forces' thinking, rather than with the righteous thoughts of the true universal characteristic of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" that Master taught us. We did not truly realize that no life is worthy of persecuting Dafa, and that Dafa is worthy of being safeguarded with our lives. When the Dafa that made all the lives in this universe suffers persecution, validating Dafa is the best and most righteous thing to do. We should not be arrested, imprisoned and tortured. Rather, the evil should be afraid and should be eliminated. Our past unrighteous thoughts, arising from the old universe, brought many unnecessary difficulties for Master's Fa rectification and Dafa practitioners' efforts to validate Dafa and save sentient beings.

Recently when memorizing "Consecration" in Zhuan Falun, I understood that human thoughts and notions are tangible things in other dimensions. When a person prays before a Buddha statue "Please help me make some money," the tangible material will form a complete mind that is after money on the Buddha statue. When other people, especially cultivators, come to worship the Buddha statue, this will gradually give it energy and enable it to form a tangible body. Yet this body is formed in another dimension; it moves freely in another dimension and can control everyday people quite easily. Human worshiping thus created a phony Buddha in another dimension.

What will our unrighteous thoughts and notions form in another dimension? It is really horrible when we think about it. Can we say the severe persecution that practitioners have suffered is not related to our thoughts?

When many practitioners have the same unrighteous thoughts, wouldn't they form bad tangible materials in other dimensions and cause interference for all of us? In the "Upgrading Xinxing" section of Zhuan Falun, Master told us a story about a practitioner in her fifties:

"a car drove by very fast, and its rearview mirror caught the elderly lady's clothes. With her clothes caught by the car, the lady was dragged for a distance of over ten meters and brought down to the ground." ("Lecture Four" in Zhuan Falun, March 2000 translation version)

According to human notions, how could an older lady not become injured in such a circumstance? Her bones must be fractured and she should have been paralyzed. She was a real cultivator and did not have the unrighteous thought to exploit the driver; she believed in Master and Dafa. If we have human thoughts, we will get human results. If we have righteous thoughts, we will get supernatural results.

In Zhuan Falun, Master also told us the story,

"There once was a person who was tied to a bed. They took one of his arms and claimed that they would slit it to make it bleed. Then they blindfolded his eyes and scratched his wrist once. (He was not at all cut and bleeding.) A water faucet was turned on so that he could hear water dripping, and he thus thought that it was his blood that was dripping. The man died shortly afterwards." ("Lecture Six" in Zhuan Falun)

Human notions tell us that if a person's wrist was slit, he would die from bleeding. Imagine if it was a baby with no notion who was tied on the bed. The result would be totally different.

"A cultivator must look at things as a cultivator should and with the mind of a cultivator, and absolutely cannot look at things with the mind of an ordinary person. Nothing you encounter is simple, accidental, or an ordinary thing. It must have to do with your cultivation and your improvement." ("Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles")

We must study the Fa well, assimilate to Dafa, and let go of all unrighteous thoughts and human notions by strengthening righteous thoughts in order to completely deny the old forces' persecution.

"The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts." ("Drive Out Interference")

October 13, 2006