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My Understanding Regarding Overseas Practitioners Visiting Clearwisdom.net

October 28, 2006 |   By Fayuan from overseas

(Clearwisdom.net) As Falun Dafa practitioners, we all know the purpose of visiting Clearwisdom.net. For us, Clearwisdom is a window to our cultivation. It helps us understand the advancement of the Fa-rectification process, and it is the place for practitioners around the world to share our experiences. While overseas practitioners have the freedom to log onto Clearwisdom, practitioners in China risk their lives visiting Clearwisdom (or Minghui.org, the Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net). I would like to point out that overseas practitioners may take for granted this great advantage they have.

Take myself as an example: when I'm busy, I'm simply reluctant to look at Clearwisdom for days. When I have a break afterwards, I catch up and read the Clearwisdom articles that I missed. From reading the experience sharing of fellow practitioners, I often see where I need improvement, and sense that we have great responsibilities. When I read about other practitioners doing so well in clarifying the truth, especially practitioners in China risking their lives spreading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and encouraging the three withdrawals to save sentient beings, I feel ashamed of myself in comparison. We all know that there is not much time left and every second is valuable. We should fulfill Teacher's request and shoulder the great mission of saving sentient beings. Any Dafa work is our responsibility and we should not argue over personal loss and gain. We are walking the path of divinity. We should not waste time and energy gossiping about practitioners, saying things like "so and so said something bad about me," or "so and so mistreated me." We should not harbor anger or spend too much time on the phone with practitioners discussing such matters.

In Lecture Four of Zhuan Falun, Teacher talked about "Transformation of Karma":

"Therefore, from now on when you come across a conflict you should not consider it a coincidence. This is because when a conflict occurs, it will take place unexpectedly. But that is not a coincidence - it is for improving your xinxing. As long as you treat yourself as a practitioner, you can handle it properly."

"Upon running into this conflict, we should, first of all, keep a cool head, and we should not behave the same as that person. Of course, we can explain the matter kindly, and it is not a problem if we clarify the issue. But you should not become too attached to it. If we encounter these problems, we should not compete and fight like others. If you do what that person did, aren't you an ordinary person? Not only should you not compete and fight like him, but also you should not resent that person in your heart. Really, you should not hate that person. If you hate that person, aren't you upset? You have not followed forbearance."

Teacher has warned us numerous times in his lectures that whenever we encounter conflict we should look within.

"I don't want the environment Dafa disciples have to become one in which people point fingers at each other. I want the environment to be one in which everyone can accept criticism and at the same time look inside themselves. If everyone cultivates himself, everyone looks within, and everyone cultivates himself well, won't the conflicts be few?" ("Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles," February 25, 2006)

If we spend our time more on studying the Fa, walking steadily every single step, reading more Clearwisdom articles on how other practitioners cultivate themselves, and look within ourselves and find our gaps, our hearts will open up. Dafa is formless and yet it is one whole body. Teacher has given us the way to study the Fa and to share experiences among practitioners. In the final moments before the arrival of Fa-rectification, let's not miss this once in a lifetime opportunity and forget our purpose in coming here to this world. Let's not disappoint Teacher's expectation and compassion of saving all beings.

This is just my understanding at my level, please kindly point out any inappropriateness.