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Austria: Spreading the Truth Throughout Austria (Photos)

October 12, 2006 |   By a practitioner from Austria

(Clearwisdom.net) A week-long car tour to clarify the truth around Austria recently came to an end at the final stop in Vienna. This activity started on September 18, 2006, and continued until September 24. The car tour has travelled around nine states and passed through many cities, villages, world-renowned tourist attractions, and ski resorts. As a result of the tour, many Austrian people and foreign tourists have understood the truth of Falun Gong and have learned about practitioners being cruelly persecuted in China.

In a famous vacation city in Austria, Princess Sissi's Imperial Vacation Place, a teacher brought the entire class to learn about Falun Gong

The car tour has passed through many cities, villages, world famous tourist attractions, and famous ski spots, spreading the truth all over Austria

Many people signed the petition against the persecution

Many people signed our petition supporting Falun Gong's activity against the persecution in China. In a famous Austrian vacation city, the Princess Sissi's Imperial Vacation Place, a teacher, after learning the facts of Falun Dafa, brought the entire class of students to our information table, asking practitioners to explain the situation to them again. Many students signed our petition. Deputy Mayor Reisen Bichler came our table and said to practitioners: ''It is just unbelievable. This persecution is so brutal.'' He examined the truth-clarification pictures very carefully, took many Dafa materials with him, and wished us success in our efforts against the persecution. A woman who works at the Premier's office said to practitioners: ''Our party needs Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. I will put your materials on the table in our office.'' The local news reporter also conducted an interview about our activity.

In each city and village, the local people were very supportive of us. This activity has brought the truth of Falun Gong, and the fact that it is being brutally persecuted in China, to many people in Austria.