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At That Moment Only One Thought - Offering Salvation

January 05, 2006 |   By Muci, a Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Last year, I was exposed to the police because a practitioner I always contacted was arrested. One day seven police officers broke into my house to apprehend me. It was very sudden, but I calmed down very quickly to deny the evil arrangement by the old forces and save the predestined people who were exploited by Jiang's regime. At that moment I did not think of the risk of arrest, but only the thought of offering salvation, and I believed that they should be saved by face-to-face truth clarification. Below is the conversation between myself and police officials:

I said, "Please make yourselves comfortable. I have lot of things to tell you. First of all, do not regard me as a criminal. I am innocent for I only wish to be a good person by following the standard of 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.' At the same time, I also do not take you as my enemy, but as my family members to save. You were possibly my family members in a past life. It is a great predestined relationship. Otherwise, we have no chance to meet here today..."

The chief police official interrupted me, "You cannot save yourself, let alone save us! You'd better tell us, how did you contact xxx (the practitioner who was arrested)? Tell us about all the activities you participated in...and what about these Falun Gong materials?"

I said, "Before I talk about these, I would like to tell you how I got started practicing Falun Gong. At the very beginning, I decided to practice Falun Gong just because I liked the three words of 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.' When I saw these three words the first time, I felt it was so righteous and awesome, so I embraced Falun Gong without hesitation. One week later, all of the illnesses I had suffered from were gone, and I saw Falun rotating in the books."

A young police official asked me. "What illnesses?"

I said, "I suffered from stomach illness, arthritis, skin disease and short sightedness. After I practiced Falun Gong, all of these illnesses were gone. I benefited a lot from Falun Gong. What is more important is that I improved my moral standard. You can ask my neighbors and colleagues. I am sure no one would say that I am not a good person. It is because I practice Falun Gong that I became more impartial, compassionate, peaceful and tolerant.

I can give you some examples. I was struck by a car, but did not ask for any money. I picked up a wallet, and returned it to the owner. On the bus, I frequently give my seat to the elderly. When somebody speaks rudely to me, I respond with a smile. The relationship with my mother-in-law is just like mother and daughter. I take the initiative to offer help to those having difficulties. My employer fired me just because I am a Falun Gong practitioner, but I have no complaints. I know it is Jiang's regime that has persecuted me. With regard to the cadres in my institution, I am just heart-struck that those people were deceived by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to act as accomplices. I have won many national awards. If not for this evil persecution, I think my supervisor would not fire such an excellent employee like me. This was not their original idea, but an act made against their wills under the high pressure and policy held by the CCP of 'Guilt by Association.'

Today, although you come to arrest me, I can see compassion deep in your hearts. You are all reluctant to do this. There is a saying that if people treat Dafa kindly, they will be rewarded with happiness, health, peace, and even an eternally good life..."

An older police official said, "Do not say too much about this. I have no time to listen. If you like, you can continue in the police station." I knew that the evil elements controlled him, making him think like this, so I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked for help from Teacher. At that moment, I did not have the feeling of fear. I just wanted to continue the truth clarification to save them.

Suddenly, the young policeman seemed to be a bit kind. He smiled and said to me, "Actually, we have already investigated you for several months. It turns out however, that everyone says you are a good person. It seems you have very good relations with people."

After hearing his words, I was very surprised and said, "Why did you secretly investigate me for a few months? Did you already know who you were going to arrest?

The chief police official in charge said, "Your home phone has been monitored for a long time. Perhaps you feel very surprised. Okay, let's return to the topic at hand. How do you know xxx (the person who was arrested)?"

I said, "We met each other in a Fa-spreading event before the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999. I only know her alias and I do not have any other information about her and her family." After I said that, I kept sending righteous thoughts and decided not to cooperate with them any more.

Right at that moment, the policeman in charge received a call on his cell phone. Then he answered a series of phone calls. It seemed that something happened. They started to leave. Before he left, the policeman in charge said, "If you feel it is good, you just practice it at home. Do not go out to contact anyone. We have to go to deal with other issues now. Three days from now, you should visit our office."

I did not show interest in his words but said with a smile, "Look, your vehicles are parked in front of my home. All the neighbors know the police came and talked to me, which brings pretty big harm to my reputation and mind."

That young policeman, with a bit of kindness said, "If someone asks you, just say the leaders came to visit you. Does it not depend on what you say?"

Then, they left. Later, under Master's merciful protection and with help from local practitioners' frequent and intense righteous thoughts, plus my own continuous righteous thoughts and some authoritative relatives' good words, this situation was settled successfully.

Although this situation occurred a year ago, it seems like yesterday when I recall it. Whenever I think about it, I always recite Master's poem in my mind,

"When disciples have sufficient righteous thoughts, Master has the almighty power to turn the cosmos around" ("Master-Disciple Grace" from Hong Yin II, provisional translation subject to further improvement)

Actually, as long as we have one thought of saving sentient beings benevolently, Master will support our righteous thoughts and help us to overcome any difficulty.

After this happened, I often thought, "Why did I have so strong righteous thoughts at that time? It was really as Master said,

"Even if the sky were to fall, a cultivator's righteous thoughts would stay unshaken." ("Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students")

Actually, it is beyond words how much Master has given me and endured for me. Without Master's help, I would not be able to walk today. I understand the content of "Master-Disciple Grace" more deeply. I also understand the embodiment of "selflessness and altruism" at my cultivation level. Although facing arrest, we also rescue others first and care about ourselves later, which is true "selflessness" and grand righteous enlightenment. We are able to live up to the name of "Fa-rectification disciples."

Herein, I sincerely say thanks to our great and respected Master. I promise to Master, "I will follow your teachings and do the three things well. I will have righteous thoughts and righteous actions and walk my path well and righteously. I will fulfill my great vow successfully."

The above is my personal experience and understanding. Please point out anything inappropriate.

December 10, 2005