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Corrupt Officials in Gaoshi Town, Sichuan Province Persecute Practitioners

January 04, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Following Falun Dafa's arrival in Gaoshi Town, Sichuan Province, many people were cured of diseases. One blind man in particular regained his eyesight very quickly after practicing Dafa. Many of the local practitioners from Gaoshi Town also protected Dafa by going to appeal in Beijing after the CCP began the persecution in 1999.

Mr. Song Tianguo, a well-known teacher in the town, was put in jail several times for practicing Falun Gong. His school leaders once reduced his monthly salary from more than 1,000 yuan to 120 yuan. Now he is paid only 400 yuan a month though he is teaching many classes. The rest of his regular salary is divided among the school leaders. The police also illegally stole his 5,000-yuan bank deposit.

Mr. Lin Chunquan is also a teacher in Gaoshi. Though widely regarded as an honest person he was sent illegally to a detention center and jail. While detained at the Weiyuan Detention Center he was beaten up by detainees, and the wardens even tied him to a bed as a method of torture.

In 2001, while imprisoned in Xinhua Jail in Mianyang, the wardens left drug addicts to monitor Mr. Lin. They exposed him to the snow during winter and the scorching sun in summer. Wardens Wei Ze and Zhao Yong encouraged the detainees to beat him. He was only allowed two to three hours of sleep a day. A female police officer told him, "I thought you were dead."

His employer, the Nongjian Middle School, was also active in the persecution under the direction of principal Chen Duanliang and then-provost Xia Zehua. In 2000, Mr. Lin's salary was lowered to 120 yuan per month, and then Chen Duanliang lowered it again to 60 yuan.

The current provost, Yang Guobin, reported Mr. Lin to the police in March 2004, on the excuse that he tore up a poster slandering Dafa. Policemen Li Gang, Lie Renping, and Gou Ping went to ransack Mr. Lin's home and put him in the detention center again. Yang Guobin threatened to report Mr. Lin again if he talked about quitting the CCP to the students. They threatened to dismiss Mr. Lin because he remains firm in his practice of Falun Gong.

The authorities are still withholding a large amount of Mr. Lin's salary.

These corrupt officials have not met with good ends. Chen Duanliang was reported by others for corruption and was severely injured during a fight with a teacher. His skull was fractured. Xia Zehua had to pay a large sum of money to the hospital after he beat up his wife and badly injured her.

Police active in the persecution Liu Renping and Zeng Erwa: 86-832-8122007

Gaoshi Middle School's principals Zhang Jian and Huang Zongfu: 86-832-8122081

Nongjian Middle School: 86-832-8495157

Provost of Nongjian Middle School Yang Guobin, Cell Phone: 86-13568016380

Center School: 86-832-8495902

Government of Gaoshi Town: 86-832-8122002, 86-832-8122001, 86-832-8122003