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Answering Compassion's Call--Clarifying the Truth in Manhattan

January 25, 2006 |   By Hong Ruizhi from Taipei, Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) In August 2004, when I heard about the project of clarifying the truth in Manhattan, I just wanted to attend. However, at that time, it was very difficult for me to stay in Manhattan for three months. At that time, my mother was sick. I often had to accompany her to go to the hospital for medical treatment. My father was elderly and my older sisters were married. My younger brother who still lived with my parents had been spoiled by my mother since he was very young. I was afraid he could not fulfill the responsibility of caring for my mother if I were not at home.

Looking after my mother, I pondered over the fact there is no way to escape from birth, aging, illness and death. Facing her illness, what could I really do for her? Deep in my heart, I constantly shouted - "Saving all sentient beings is the pre-historic promise I made to Master and I must fulfill it." Perhaps because saving sentient beings was the most important thing in my mind, my mother unexpectedly agreed to my request when I asked her to allow me to go to Manhattan. At the same time, one of my friends also repaid the money he had borrowed from me. This enabled me to go to Manhattan for clarifying the truth without any problems.

(1) Distributing the English newspaper

I went to Manhattan last September. At the beginning, I encountered many problems. Every Monday morning, we went out to distribute newspapers. Most of us came from Taiwan and were obviously Asian. Most New Yorkers rushing on their way to work did not readily accept our newspaper. I knew that our newspaper not only had global news, new scientific findings, and traditional Chinese culture, but the layout was also fresh and lively. I thought, "What great enjoyment such a nice newspaper would bring to people!" I made a point to distribute the paper with such thoughts. When I distributed the newspapers in a joyful mood with a smile on my face, whether the people passing by took the newspaper or not, they answered me with the same smiles. And the newspaper distribution also went faster.

(2) Experience in Manhattan

One afternoon, the sky was deep blue. Suddenly a gust of fierce wind blew across our anti-torture exhibit for exposing the persecution. The wind blew down the posters and shook the whole signature collection table. Moreover, the gale threw sand and pebbles in all directions, leaving the particles to settle in front of the anti-torture exhibition posters and covering our practitioners with dust. As soon as the wind ended, rain unexpectedly fell from the sky.

The storm drove away most of those who were looking at the anti-torture exhibition. Only one lady still stood in the rain and read the posters. She was so moved that she shed tears. She asked me: "In China, why is there such brutal persecution? What on earth can we do for you?" I told her: "Please ask your media to report immediately on the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Or, please write letters to your congressmen." After hearing my words, the lady answered: "My father is a congressman." She said that such brutal persecution should stop and she would convey what she saw to her father and let him know how the CCP violates human rights and deprives people's freedom of belief, and that the CCP employs such brutal means to torture Falun Gong practitioners.

At the beginning of April 2005, the anti-torture exhibition was very short handed. Only four Taiwanese practitioners were left to support the anti-torture exhibition site. Because the number of practitioners was so limited, no one was available to replace practitioners who did the exercises and acted as victims in the torture re-enactment. Therefore, each of us took on a lot of work.

At that time, since fellow practitioners from all over the world came to Manhattan and clarified the truth for a long time, more and more New Yorkers knew the truth. Every day, we went out to hold the anti-torture exhibition, which attracted many tourists from all over the world and even those office workers stopped to look at the exhibition. There were many touching stories. After they knew the truth, some school students initiated fundraising in their class for those Falun Gong practitioners who were persecuted; some movie producers wanted to create a movie from persecution stories and then spread the truth all over the world; some newspaper editors actively helped us publish the stories about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Some personnel from human rights organizations came to take pictures and collect information in order to stop the persecution conducted by the CCP. Many people wept when they saw the brutal persecution. Some people came to the exhibition site and helped us clarify the truth and distribute the truth-clarifying materials.

On one hand, I felt glad to see a large number of people coming to see the anti-torture exhibition and learn the truth every day; on the other hand, since we were so few, every practitioner's workload was very heavy. Because I can speak English, I kept talking with people and clarifying the truth. Since only a few practitioners can speak English, we usually could not take turns to have a rest. After doing this for a long time, I felt very tired and my throat was often so sore that I could not talk. Although I often wanted to go back to the dormitory for a rest, I thought; "I spent time and money to come to Manhattan from Taiwan; my parents bore pains from their own illnesses and inconvenience, enabling me to come to Manhattan for validating Dafa; no matter how hard it is, I must continue."

Many practitioners improved themselves very quickly because they strived wholeheartedly in Manhattan.

In the dormitory, an elderly lady actively cooked and prepared lunch boxes for us. I knew she had a selfless heart and wanted to help fellow practitioners ease their work and save money. Perhaps because her cooking sometimes caused a lot of greasy smoke, she often received complaints from other practitioners, but I saw that she always endured silently, read the books, studied the Fa and searched for her own shortcomings. She still insisted on cooking for everyone. One day, I saw a bowl of noodles she cooked radiating with a golden light.

One 77-year-old man is a retired solider. He once killed people in the battlefields. Every time when he practiced the fifth exercise, his feet were in such pain that he always ground his teeth and tears covered his face. Because he is elderly and was wounded before, he walked and moved very slowly. His financial status was not good. In order to clarify the truth in Manhattan, he saved money by just eating crackers and instant noodles. Yet his perseverance was comparable to any young man's. In Manhattan, whether it was windy or raining, he worked from morning to night. During the day, he attended the anti-torture exhibition; at night, he went to the Chinese Consulate for sending righteous thoughts. He never complained of hardship. Perhaps because he was so steadfast and persevering and not afraid of hardship, in just about ten days, he quickly became full of vigor, like a young man. He walked swiftly and his eyes looked very benevolent.

Auntie Zhong's head is full of white hair. She looks very kind and she strives forward wholeheartedly. When the party head of the CCP came to visit US, Auntie Zhong went out with us in the morning. In the daytime, under strong sunshine, she attended all kinds of protest events; at night, she volunteered to go to the front of the hotel where the party head stayed and sent righteous thoughts until the next morning. In order to help stop the persecution, she did not sleep for two days straight. Even though she is 75 years old, her face did not show any fatigue at all. On her face was only the righteous belief and fortitude for Dafa. Interestingly, about 5 o'clock the next morning, she asked me: "What time is it?" I was very surprised when I heard her voice. After she did not sleep for two days, her voice still sounded like a young woman's.

(3) Look at fellow practitioners positively

One day, we went to the Chinese Consulate for sending righteous thoughts. At that time, I suddenly felt my body was very light and it seemed as if I was flying. And I felt myself expanding without limit. Although I was sending righteous thoughts with closed eyes, I saw the luggage cart I took with me becoming bigger and bigger and extending to 9th Avenue several blocks away. I knew it was because the cart helped us to carry flyers, posters and banners. I thought that Master was showing me the image of the luggage cart enlarging in order to encourage me.

Later, I found that when my thoughts were selfless and benefited others, the luggage cart would become bigger and bigger. If I wanted to satisfy myself or had thoughts of censure or jealousy, the luggage cart would shrink to the size of a fingernail even with just a bit of these thoughts. It made me really understand that I should be truly selfless. We should measure everything with saving sentient beings so the whole body will have the most powerful strength. When fellow practitioners study together, we should look for everyone's strong points and everyone should work in full cooperation, which can create harmony among practitioners. We should not only overlook others' shortcomings and see their merits, but also really dissolve into the Fa and cultivate "Truthfulness, Compassion Forbearance", which can improve us as one body.

(4). Paying attention to personal cultivation is important in holding anti-torture exhibitions.

We came to Manhattan from Taiwan for clarifying the truth and holding anti-torture exhibitions. Our life was very tight and rigorous. Every morning, we got up very early, had a group study, did exercises and sent righteous thoughts. Then, we went out to hold the anti-torture exhibition. At night, some practitioners went to the Chinese Consulate for sending righteous thoughts.

However, during this busy life, we still had to do a lot of housework including cooking, preparing lunch boxes, cleaning the dormitory, and washing clothes. Sometimes, there were many people in the dormitory. We had to take turns to use the bathroom and kitchen. We also had to be concerned about the sanitation of the public environment. Although our life was laborious, it was also a good place to cultivate. Therefore, it is very important to dissolve into the Fa and get fellow practitioners working in full cooperation.

Touchingly, in our dormitory, some fellow practitioners bought food; some practitioners who were good cooks helped with cooking; elderly practitioners helped with dumping the trash; capable housewives helped with cleaning the kitchen and bathroom. Everyone covered others' weak areas. There were no specific regulations saying who should do what. We just naturally gave play to our own strong points. Through studying the Fa and practicing, we treated each other with kindness and worked in cooperation, which created a clean, comfortable and warm home. It did not require any special management.

Whether playing the part of victim in the anti-torture exhibitions, doing the exercises, distributing truth-clarifying materials or clarifying the truth, everyone plays an important role. No one is more important than the others. The anti-torture exhibition is one body, which requires practitioners to cooperate and harmonize. Therefore, when we work with other practitioners, we should see their strong points more and overlook their shortcomings. If we always correct our own shortcomings and think more of others, we will make the anti-torture exhibitions even more effective.

The above is my personal experience and understanding. If there is any inappropriate part, please kindly point it out.