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The Path of Real Cultivation Practice for Dafa Practitioners

January 24, 2006 |   By Takashi Satou, a practitioner from Japan

(Clearwisdom.net) I have been cultivating Falun Gong for almost four years, but have seriously and wholeheartedly practiced Falun Gong for only a year or so. To be a Dafa practitioner in the period of Fa rectification, we should do the three things well. These are studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth.

Until one year ago, I only practiced the Falun Gong exercises and studied the Fa with colleagues during the lunch break in our company, and I had not been to any other group practice site. To be honest, I rarely even joined the Falun Gong exercises and the Fa study in our company. I liked to go fishing, see a movie, take photographs, and play on the computer. I spent much time doing things for my work and for my family. During that period, I rarely spent any time on Falun Gong. Although I joined the Fa study group, I seldom sent forth righteous thoughts or clarified the truth, not to mention being a genuine Falun Gong practitioner. I examined myself and realized that I wasted so much time.

About eighteen months ago, I heard others talking a lot about the groups who were practicing at the Western Citizen Center and Baichuan Park. However, I knew nothing about it and felt a little jealous. I noticed that I estranged myself from other practitioners and I did not advance diligently in my cultivation. I wondered, "If I join the Falun Gong exercises after work, then wouldn't it be late before I can go home?" Initially, this was my reason for not joining the group exercise at the Western Citizen Center. Because I did not join this activity before, I now felt embarrassed to participate and thus I did not join it.

Nevertheless, I knew some practitioners who started to learn Falun Gong after I did and they went to the group exercise site at the Western Citizen Center. I told myself that I could not remain in my previous condition. Precisely at the same time when I decided to change, a colleague told me, "The group practice site at the Western Citizen Center is really good. Everyone feels peaceful and comfortable at that site. You should go there and see for yourself." I did not know how to express it at that time, but I felt as though I had been rescued. I decided to go to the site as soon as possible.

A few days later, I attended group exercises at the Western Citizen Center for the first time. The site was as good as my colleague had described. I felt so comfortable there, and that the dirty things in my body were all being cleaned out. Although it was a cold night, I was sweating. When I closed my eyes, it felt as though my body was burning.

That night, I actually went home late, but the atmosphere at home and my family were as usual. I remember that my body was warm and I did not feel tired at all. It was so amazing. To join group exercises is much better than doing the exercise individually. Since then, I have been practicing at Baichuan Park every Sunday. I also participated in activities in order to validate the Fa both at Nagoya and Hiroshima and I send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the truth. I am really happy being able to participate in these activities. This enjoyable feeling cannot be obtained from work or entertainment activities. When I heard that we had a parade, I joined the activity immediately in order to distribute truth-clarification materials. When I heard that Falun Gong practitioners were rejected and not allowed to go into the Chinese booths at the Wanguo exhibition, I immediately clarified the truth to them. The time to send forth righteous thoughts is at one o'clock in the morning and at seven o'clock in the evening, and it feels best after I meditate. I also send forth righteous thoughts silently when at work or discussing business with others.

When I truly want to do some things for Falun Dafa, the time will be arranged and I can use the time well. When I encounter difficulties at work, I am able to solve them immediately and smoothly. No doubt, I feel the amazing power of Falun Dafa at these moments.

I also started to study Zhuan Falun conscientiously. I want to learn the deeper meaning of every exercise and realize the relationship between karma and disease through Fa study.

I now feel that my mind and environment have started to change. I usually am in a happy atmosphere. I used to be nervous and tried to hold on to myself and my family. After I started to study the Fa, I realized that everything around me is arranged in order to let me cultivate and improve my xinxing. I decided to rely on the Fa for everything.

My body and mind became lighter and more energetic. Although my weight remained the same, my pants started to fit loosely and my body is healthier. When I noticed that my efficiency at work slowed down, I realized that I should not rely on other people. Since then, I learned the importance of raising my xinxing. When there are problems, I always look inward to find my attachments or some karma that disturbs me. When I calmed down and thought about it, it was easy to find what was happening.

I introduced Falun Dafa to my parents. They were sick for quite some years. I tried to help them and hoped to revive their health. I thought that my parents might not accept Dafa immediately because they are conservative, or they might say that it is a religion.

My worries were unsubstantiated! They said they wanted to try it. My parents had learned Qigong before and their bodies became healthier. I regretted that I wasted my time worrying about my parents. So I took my parents to a Falun Gong lecture. Afterwards, my parents and I participated together in the Falun Gong group exercise at Baichuan Park every Sunday. They also practice at home every day. Now their blood pressure is consistent and the severe aches they used to have no longer exist. We are all really happy about this change.

Looking back, I had so many attachments and therefore tried to validate myself through

my work and by developing other interests. I wanted to be satisfied and had done things that violated "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." I felt depressed and nervous when I did not make efforts to pursue my goals. All of these were manifestations of my attachments and human notions. They interfere with our cultivation. If we cannot pass these tests, we cannot achieve consummation. We will have to improve with strong, upright thoughts.

Now is the Fa-Rectification period. Doing the three things well is my responsibility. I think we should do the right thing, strictly take the Fa as teacher, and not be shaken by our environment. When we are doing the right things, our lives will have a beautiful future.