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Understandings Gained from the Truth-clarification Efforts of Practitioners Outside of China

January 11, 2006 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) Clarifying the truth by making phone calls is one of the forms that we use in validating Dafa and saving sentient beings on our path of righteous Fa cultivation. Meanwhile, it is also the environment for our Fa-rectification cultivation.

For the past several years, many people in China have received phone calls from practitioners outside of China who validate Dafa, clarify the truth, and persuade people in China to quit the Chinese Communist Party. Making phone calls plays a very important role in clarifying the truth. From here, we also see the distance between practitioners in China and our fellow practitioners overseas.

My mom is also a Dafa disciple; however, she is not very diligent. She read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, but she is still not very clear-minded. Every day she studies the Fa, does the exercises, and sends forth righteous thoughts, but she does very little in truth-clarification. I often shared my experiences with her, telling her many cases of fellow practitioners clarifying the truth and validating the Fa. After listening to what I told her, she sometimes did a good job, but she sometimes did a poor job.

Once my mom received a phone call from an overseas practitioner. She told me that she listened for over half an hour. She told me that the practitioner did a good job in clarifying the truth to her, which made her understand a lot.

I then asked her, "Shouldn't you think carefully about that? Why did that practitioner call you? We are all Master's disciples. Why do you still need practitioners to clarify the truth to you? You should check inside to see the disparity between you and that practitioner from the perspective of your xinxing and also the perspective of how we understand the Fa. Do you now see that you have to improve yourself?"

After my mom heard this, she had a breakthrough and began clarifying the truth to others as if they were chatting. She talked to people about how she had received a phone call from overseas and what the phone call was about. As such, this was very good for clarifying the truth.

Another fellow practitioner went to his relatives' house to persuade them to quit the Chinese Communist Party. He had hardly finished saying a few sentences when his relative said, "I understand. Several days ago, I received a phone call from overseas, telling us about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. They spoke very well and in-depth." He added, "In China, we common people hate the Communist Party. However, what we say is only superficial. They talked about it in depth. I joined the Party over 30 years ago. However, I cannot imagine that I have been deceived for so long." This relative decided to quit the CCP right away.

When practitioners got together to share about this, we found that we, too, fell short. We have this predestined relationship in this life. We are so close to each other. However, we are not being responsible for the sentient beings to fulfill our mission. We leave this responsibility to our fellow practitioners thousands of miles away to help us do the job that we are supposed to do.

Whenever I hear someone mention that she/he has received phone calls or emails from overseas, I feel in my heart that it is my own family members who made the phone calls. We are all family members. We have the same Master who teaches us. We learned the same Fa, and we have the same great mission. We do not meet each other in person; however, our hearts know each other. In this same chessboard, as Dafa particles, we are mature. We have learned to make up for each others' omissions and deficiencies. We have learned to cooperate with each other. On the Internet, we can meet and share with each other each and every day.

Let us fully utilize our own skills to cooperate with each other, no matter whether we are practitioners from China or from overseas, so that we can form a unified body as indestructible as diamond to eliminate the evil and save sentient beings.