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Summary of Other Articles and News - August 29, 2005

September 06, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

The Persecution of Xu Xiangdong's Family from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

Mr. Xu Xiangdong and his wife, Ms.Cui Xiaojuan, are Dafa practitioners from Daqing City. Simply for persisting in practicing Falun Dafa, Ms. Cui was persecuted to death at the end of December 1999. Mr. Xu was kidnapped and detained many times. Mr. Xiu was not allowed to have a peaceful life, and he was harassed every day by phone calls from the police station and his company. He was also followed and monitored. On January 22, 2001, Xu was kidnapped in Beijing and sent to a detention center. He was illegally sentenced to 12 years in prison. Mr. Xiu's elderly mother became ill due to missing her son, and she passed away on September 8, 2003. In July 2004, Xiu was taken to Mudanjiang Jail and is still illegally detained to this day. Now, Xiu's elderly father and Mr. Xiu's young son Xiu Wanzhou under his grandfather's care are leading a difficult life. Having witnessed the tragic death of his mother as well as his dad being illegally detained, Wanzhou lost parental care and is very depressed.


Policeman from Ezhou City 610 Office ransack Liu Xiuying's home

On the morning of July 25, 2005, Ms. Liu Xiuying, 53, from Ezhou City, Hubei Province was arrested by policemen from Echeng Police Station and illegally detained at Ezhou City No.1 Detention Center. The next day, police from Ezhou City's 610 Office ransacked Liu's home, and confiscated 11,000 yuan in cash. On that day, when Liu's family returned home and found that their home was ransacked and their money stolen they quickly retained a lawyer to take pictures as evidence. After the lawyer did the research and took the evidence, he said, "This is a very serious crime of base nature." For the time being, with the assistance of their lawyer, Liu's family has all the evidence in place to prove that police officers from Ezhou City's "610 Office" broke into their home and stole their money.
