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Summary of Other Articles and News - September 17, 2005

September 29, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. The Evil and Criminal Acts of the "Special Group" in the Handan Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province

The "Special Group" in Handan Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province is an evil's lair especially for persecuting male Falun Dafa practitioners. On August 29, 2005, practitioner Mr. Cheng Weidong, who is about 36 years old, refused to watch movies slandering Falun Gong. Two policemen simultaneously shocked him with four electric batons, and also savagely beat him with a leather whip. Mr. Cheng subsequently had wounds all over his body. It was so heartbreaking that it was unbearable to look at him. Because practitioner Mr. Wang Zhiwu did not give up his practice of Falun Gong, the police shocked and beat him with electric batons many times. He was also handcuffed and made to stand in the courtyard day and night. He was not allowed to eat or sleep.


2. Wei Chenglong from Shengli Oil Field Built a Private Jail to Persecute Practitioners

In July 1999, the Gudong Oil Refinery Factory of the Shengli Oil Field followed orders from the Chinese Communist Party to persecute practitioners who worked for the Oil Refinery Factory using all sort of illegal tricks. In December 2000, Wei Chenglong, the party committee secretary, set up a private jail to illegally imprison and torture the practitioners. Wei Chenglong and his gang also withheld practitioners' wages and annual bonuses. He even confiscated the risk deposit of 1,000 to 2,000 yuan paid by the practitioners. Some practitioners were fined up to thousands of yuan.
