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Summary of Other Articles and News - September 21, 2005

September 27, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Seven Falun Dafa Practitioners Including Fan Dezhen Abducted in Huludao City

On September 17-18, 2005, local police "illegally arrested" seven Falun Dafa practitioners from Huludao City, Liaoning Province. Practitioner Mr. Fan Dezhen, 31, had been previously detained and tortured many times and had been sent to a forced labor camp. Practitioner Mr. Han Xiaofeng, 44, was held at the Huludao City Custody Center on September 17. The whereabouts of the other five practitioners including Wang Yuanju and Li Dongmei are unknown.


Rujiang Drug Rehabilitation Center in Fujian Province Escalates Persecution of Dafa practitioners

In 2004, the Rujiang Drug Rehabilitation Center established a special division on the seventh floor to persecute Dafa practitioners. They set up a metal cross, solitary confinement cells and used the storage room to torture the practitioners. The cruelest form of torture is the metal cross. The guards at the rehab order the drug addicts to viciously beat Dafa practitioners. They tell the addicts, "If you beat [Dafa practitioners] to death, the center will pay 800 yuan for their cremation and nothing will happen to you."


Dafa Practitioner Sun Xiulan Persecuted in Jiaonan City, Shandong Province

Practitioner Sun Xiulan, 62, lived in Pangjiatai Village, Zhangjialou, Jiaonan City, Shandong Province. On June 20, 2005 Sun Xiulan was arrested and her home was ransacked by personnel from the Zhangjialou Police Department. She has been detained for three months. Her family went to the detention center many times and asked to see her but was not allowed to. It was reported that the police are using torture during interrogation sessions. Ms. Sun's family is highly concerned about her.
