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New York: "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" Art Exhibition Invited to Human Rights Week at Touro Law Center (Photos)

September 25, 2005 |   By Minghui reporter Cai Ju

(Clearwisdom.net) "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance," an international art exhibition, was opened at the Touro Law Center in Huntington, New York under special invitation from September 19-22, 2005.

Dozens of guests, including the dean and professors of the Touro Law Center, attended the opening ceremony jointly held by the Falun Dafa Art Center and the Touro Law Center on the afternoon of September 19. More than ten government officials, including congressmen and a state senator issued awards to the exhibition.

Touro Law Center Campus
Exhibition Hall
Mr. Zhang Erping, spokesperson for Falun Dafa Information Center, speaks at the opening ceremony
Artist and Professor Zhang Kunlun speaks

The exhibition, composed of more than forty pieces of artwork, was held in the Conference Hall of the law center. Illuminated with soft light, the conference hall is more than ten thousand square feet. The exhibition was organized according to four different themes. The first part of the exhibition was entitled, "Assimilating to the Fa and Returning to the Origin." The second part was "Eternal Righteous Belief Testified by Lives." The third part focused on "Spreading the Truth and Calling for Justice," and the fourth part was entitled, "Good is Rewarded, Evil Provokes Retribution."

Ms. Levine, a resident of Huntington, told of the benefits she experienced from practicing Falun Gong at the opening ceremony. Mr. Zhang Erping, spokesperson for the Falun Dafa Information Center, introduced the history of Falun Dafa over the past thirteen years and its wide spread to one hundred million people in more than seventy countries and regions. Several of the exhibition's artists related their personal experiences of persecution and the inspirations for their artwork. Through their art, they hope to expose the largest genocide in recent history, the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners during the past six years and still ongoing. They wish to awaken peoples' conscience and to solemnly declare, "Good is rewarded, and evil provokes retribution. A righteous belief is eternal."

Ms. Mela, organizer of the art exhibition, said that several teachers and students from the Touro Law Center had visited the exhibition held in the Federal Building in Manhattan in July. They were so touched that they wanted to bring the artwork to their school. The week of September 19 is Human Rights Week. An art exhibition depicting Falun Gong practitioners' unyielding spirit despite six years of brutal persecution has brought Human Rights Week to life. She hoped that faculty and students of Touro Law Center as well as local residents would take this opportunity to learn about the persecution and collectively help stop the brutality.

Many students, faculty and staff members visited the exhibition. The dean told reporters, "We thank the organizer for bringing such wonderful artwork here!" Many visitors signed the signature album.