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Practitioner Ms. Dong Aijun Goes Into Exile After Leaving Prison to Avoid Further Harassment

September 23, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The local judicial department harassed practitioner Ms. Dong Aijun from Fangcun Town, Daiyue District, Taian City, Shandong Province. The day after her release from prison, August 20, 2005, she left home to avoid further persecution. On the afternoon of September 13, 2005, her husband left home to avoid certain arrest. Her son and daughter are living in another city, so no one currently resides at their home. More details follow:

Li Yong, the political head from the Fangcun Town Police Station in Daiyue District, Taian City arrested Ms. Dong Aijun. It happened when she was distributing truth clarification flyers. She was held at the Xintai City Detention Center. One month later she was sentenced to two years of forced labor and sent to the No. 1 Women's Labor Camp in Shandong Province, located at No. 20 Jiangshuiquan Road in Jinan City. At first, Ms. Dong believed the perpetrators when they misled her and she "reformed". She quickly realized that she had been deceived by their lies. She returned to Dafa and firmly refused to cooperate with them any further. Ms. Dong was released on August 19, 2005. Before she left the labor camp, she wrote an announcement, which she then gave to the guards. The guards didn't say anything.

Beginning from the day after her returned home, Hou Fuguo, head of the Fangcun Town 610 Office and Xia Feng, head of Fangcun Town Judicial Office often went to Ms. Dong's home to harass her. They ordered her to write a guarantee statement to renounce Dafa, which she refused to do.

At around 11 p.m. on September 7, 2005, Xia Feng led a group of policemen to break into Ms. Dong's home. Her daughter and son-in-law told the police, "The owner of the home is not here right now. Don't touch anything or you'll be violating the law!" They temporarily restrained themselves. Xia Feng walked around the bed and held up a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Dong Aijun's daughter and son-in-law said, "You brought that here and you are trying to frame us. No way!" They were exasperated and left around midnight.

At around 5:00 p.m. on September 13, about six policemen pounded on Ms. Dong's door. Only Ms. Dong's husband was home then. Her husband and her other family members had been arrested more than three times since 1999. Ms. Dong's husband didn't open the door. He locked the door, jumped over the wall in the yard and ran out. The police fanatically chased after him but couldn't catch him. On the morning of September 14, Ms. Dong's husband returned home. He saw that the lock on the door was broken and the whole place had been turned upside down. The bed, the closet, the drawers and the chests were all combed through and messed up. His neighbors confirmed that about six policemen entered Ms. Dong's home around dusk on September 13 and left after having been there a long time. The footprints the perpetrators left in the courtyard wall were still clearly visible on the morning of September 14.

Taian City, Shandong Province:

Hou Fuguo: the head of Fangcun Town "610 Office," Daiyue District, 86-538-8083315(Home)

Xia Feng: the head of the Fangcun Town Judicial Office, 86-538-8062148(Office)

Fangcun Town Police Station: 86-538-8061039