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The Persecution in Hengshui City: Practitioners Sun Liangsheng and Kang Yanxiang Disappear after Being Illegally Sentenced, Qi Zhengui Detained

September 02, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In January 2004, the Taocheng District Police Department in Hengshui City illegally arrested Mr. Sun Liangsheng and Mr. Kang Yanxiang, Falun Dafa practitioners in Hengshui City, Hebei Province. After being illegally detained beyond term for one and half years, they were framed and sentenced to four years in prison by the Taocheng District Court in Hengshui City. Now they have both disappeared and their families have not received any news of them for a long time.

On June 16, 2005, the family members of Sun Liangsheng and Kang Yanxiang went to the 610 Office in Hengshui City to ask about the whereabouts of their loved ones. Staff at the 610 Office did not give them an answer, and instead they arrested more than ten Dafa practitioners, including Sun Liangsheng's wife and Kang Yanxiang's brother. Up until now the family members of Sun Liangsheng and Kang Yanxiang have not had any news about Mr. Sun and Mr. Kang.

Sun Liangsheng, forty years old, is an excellent teacher at the Second High School of Hengshui City. Kang Yanxiang, thirty-nine years old, is an employee of the Scientific Committee of Hengshui City. Their supervisors, instigated by the 610 Office of Hengshui City, deceived Mr. Sun and Mr. Kang, abducted them and took them to a brainwashing class. To resist the persecution, they escaped from the class and consequently were forced to become homeless. On January 1, 2004, both practitioners were illegally arrested by the Hengshui Police Bureau under orders of the 610 Office of Hengshui City. Sun Liangsheng and Kang Yanxiang were detained in the Hengshui City Detention Center before being illegally sentenced.

Mr. Qi Zhengui, a Dafa practitioner in Hengshui City, Hebei Province, was illegally arrested by the police of the development zone in Hengshui City. He was detained in Hengshui Detention Center and remains there today. Qi Zhengui, around sixty-six years old, had previously been sentenced to two years in a labor camp because of his practice of Falun Gong. The reason for his arrest this time was that on the day when the family members of Sun Liangsheng and Kang Yanxiang went to the 610 Office of Hengshui City to ask about Mr. Sun's and Mr. Kang's whereabouts, Qi Zhengui happened to pass by the Municipal Committee of Hengshui and his picture was taken by the police. The Chinese Communist Party officials wantonly arrest Falun Dafa practitioners on any pretext, even when they just go out to do shopping.

List of personnel who are responsible for the persecution of Dafa practitioners:

Hengshui Municipal Committee -

Hengshui City Party Secretary, Li Junqu

The head of the 610 Office of Hengshui City, Lu Songyin: 86-318-2029198 (Home), 86-318-2026026 (Office), 86-13903289198 (Cell)

Deputy Head of the 610 Office of Hengshui City, Ji Lijian: 86-318-2022518 (Home), 86-318-2065766 (Office), 86-13091189809 (Cell)

Political and Legal Committee Secretary, Wang Baojun: 86-318-2031586 (Home), 86-318-2038201 (Office)

Former Political and Legal Committee Secretary, Zhang Zengliang: 86-318-2065198 (Office)

Taocheng District Police Department of Hengshui City -

Deputy Police Chief of Taocheng District Police Department, Sun Jiancai: 86-13383681006 (Cell)

Director of Taocheng District Police Department National Security Division, Li Yibing: 86-13383681123 (Cell)

Deputy Director of Taocheng District Police Department National Security Division, Zhai Qiming: 86-13383681122 (Cell)

Deputy Chief National Security Division, Zuo Tiehan: 86-13383388305 (Cell)

August 24, 2005