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Summary of Other Articles and News - August 22, 2005

September 13, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. Practitioner Ms. Yuan Yunlan from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, Is Abducted by the Xiantao City 610 Office

At noon on August 11, 2005, the local police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yuan Yunlan from Hanyang in Hubei Province. She was reported to the authorities by someone who did not know the truth about Falun Gong. She was taken to the Xiantao City First Detention Center by Tian Shengyang and officials of the Xiantao 610 Office.


2. The 610 Office in Wutu Town, Changle County, Weifang City, Shandong Province, Kidnap Innocent People

On August 9, 2005, Meng Qingquan, the principal of the Changle County No. 3 Professional School, deceived practitioner Mr. Zhang Juwu. He was summoned to the County Education Committee with the excuse that his salary was to be adjusted. Meng Qingquan and personnel of the local 610 Office kidnapped Mr. Zhang and sent him to the Wutu Police Station. The next day, the police transferred Mr. Zhang to the Weifang City Brainwashing Center. On August 10, Guo Shudong, the head of the Wutu Town 610 Office; Wang Ruixing, the Political Judiciary Committee Secretary of Wutu Town; and personnel from the Changle County 610 Office invaded a female practitioner's home to randomly search it. They took her to the local police station and illegally imprisoned her. Her present whereabouts are unclear.


3. The Police from Huili County, Liangshanzhou, Sichuan Province, Confiscate Practitioner's Belongings

On July 28, 2005, the police from Huili County in Liangshanzhou burst into practitioner Mr. Xie Xinglu's home while he was away. They not only illegally searched his home but also confiscated belongings such as books, 700 yuan in cash and two savings accounts totaling more than 2,000 yuan. Mr. Xie Xinglu's brother-in-law, who isn't a practitioner, lives next door. He was abducted and taken to the local police station, where he was held for one day and two nights. On August 7, Mr. Xie Xinglu went to the state security office of the police department to ask for the return of his belongings. The police not only didn't return his belongings, but also savagely beat Mr. Xie Xinglu. He was sent to the detention center where the police continued to persecute him.


4. The Methods Used by the No. 4 Brigade from Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City to Persecute Practitioners

The wardens of the No. 4 Brigade from Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province, maintained tight control of the flow of information between prisoners. Prisoners were forced to work all day and were not allowed any contact with one another in the evening. All activities, even going to the restroom, had to be carried out by all prisoners at the same time. Wardens used all kinds of cruel methods to torture each Falun Gong practitioner for over ten days without a break. Practitioner Mr. Pan Yushun's toenails were pried off by the warden with pliers. Practitioner Mr. Liu Qinghua's face was burned with a cigarette lighter by Warden Chen Lihui. Mr. Liu's injury became infected and drained for some time. Practitioner Mr. Li Tiancai weighed about 167 pounds. He was hung up in the air with his hands cuffed behind his back and wasn't allowed to sleep. The tortures caused lumbar vertebral dislocation. Although practitioner Mr. Sun Changping was not even able to stand up, the wardens forced him to squat and handcuffed his hands to his bed. They also poured a lot of cold water on the floor so that Mr. Sun could neither sit nor stand.
