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Tianjin Dafa Disciple Ma Yongyue Illegally Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

September 11, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 10, 2005, Ma Yongyue, a Dafa practitioner from Hepingzhuang Village, Baigutun Township, Wuqing District, Tianjin City, was illegally sentenced to three years in prison by a local court. Ma Yongyue didn't accept the verdict of the court and filed an appeal to a higher court to request unconditional release.

On the evening of June 2, 2005 Ma Yongyue was arrested by officers of the Baigutun Township, Wuqing District Police Station. After 10 pm that evening, led by the staff commissioner of the Baigutun Township Police Station, a team of eight or nine policemen went to the Chengguan Town's market. There they found Dafa practitioner Ma Yongyue. They asked him to follow them, but Ma Yongyue refused to cooperate. They handcuffed Ma Yongyue, arrested him, and took him to the Detention Center of Wuqing District.

Ma Yongyue was physically abused. With the authorities' permission, prisoner Li Xinglong (from Taiziwu Village, Wuqing District, Tianjin City) spat in his face, beat him with shoes, and covered his mouth while his was sleeping. During one beating, Ma's front teeth were knocked out

On July 10, 2005, the local court sentenced Ma Yongyue to three years in prison, and his family didn't receive any notification regarding the trial. Ma Yongyue appealed to a higher court and requested unconditional release.

After Ma Yongyue was detained, the Detention Center of Wuqing District never allowed his family members to come and visit him. After Ma was sentenced, he was transferred to the Dabianzhuang Detention Center of Xiqing District, Tianjin City on July 16, 2005. He has been there for 40 days.

On July 29, 2005, Ma Yongyue's family members went once again to the Detention Center of Wuqing District, requesting to visit Ma Yongyue. They brought 100 yuan and a pair of shorts. The authorities of the Detention Center of the Wuqing District took the pair of shorts and the money, but did not tell them that Ma Yongyue was imprisoned at the Dabianzhuang Detention Center of Xiqing District, Tianjin City.

Ma Yongyue had been repeatedly and illegally detained by local police in the past. On November 29, 2004, after 8 pm, Ma Yongyue was riding a bicycle on the road of Baigutun Village. He was stopped by a police officer named Zhen Ruitao, from Baigutun Police station, and was forcibly taken to the police station. Zhen Ruitao then went to Ma Yongyue's home to ransack it. During the following days, Ma Yongyue was detained at the Detention Center of Wuqing District. After he protested the illegal detention for 5 days, he was sent home due to illness. At around 3 pm on January 28, 2005, police officer Zhen Ruitao from Baigutun Village Police Station led a team of policemen to Ma Yongyue's house and deceived Ma Yongyue into visiting the police station. He did, and was detained at the Detention Center of Wuqing District.

The persons who are responsible for persecution of Dafa disciple Ma Yongyue

Police Station at Baigutun Village: 86-22-22186353
Director Hou Huaizhong
Instructor Li Guoyu
Police officer Zhen Ruitao

Baigutun Village:

Party Office: 86-22-22185372
Political Office: 86-22-22185372
Office/secretarial division: 86-22-22185383 Ext.8002
Lei Yongliang: 86-22-22185376, 86-22-82115975
Ma Xigeng: 86-22-22186067Ext.8001, 86-22-29332008
Sun Yuhai: 86-22-22186067Ext.8808, 86-22-82125986
Liu Jinming: 86-22-22186067Ext.8818, 86-22-29323369
Zhao Binghui: 86-22-22186067Ext.8816, 86-22-29330591

Police Bureau:

Office: 86-22-29341010
Office/secretarial division: 86-22-29341839
Miao Hongwei: 86-22-29338832, 86-22-82179988
Lu Zhenhe: 86-22-29343740, 86-22-29346776
Sha Wanhe: 86-22-29340743, 86-22-29343568
Zhang Shougong: 86-22-29343746, 86-22-29341888
Li Shuquan: 86-22-29343741, 86-22-29339596


Office: 86-22-29341542
Office/secretarial division: 86-22-29341607
Sun Xuewen: 86-22-29360918, 86-22-82121688
Chen Yuxiang: 86-22-29332041, 86-22-29331289
Shan Xingyuan: 86-22-29332043, 86-22-29368866
Ma Huihai: 86-22-29321742, 86-22-29381906
Zhao Zhenjiang: 86-22-29342275, 86-22-82134080


Office: 86-22-29341071
Office/secretarial division: 86-22-29341117
Li Hongfa: 86-22-29328373, 86-22-82166868
Yan Xuexi: 86-22-29341993, 86-22-29340396
Liu Shanguo: 86-22-29341116, 86-22-29325801
Zhang Changshan: 86-22-29342115, 86-22-82131056
Zhao Guoqiang: 86-22-29342568, 86-22-82120600