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Some Understandings Regarding Hu Jintao's Visit to North America

August 30, 2005 |   By a Dafa practitioner in North America

(Clearwisdom.net) Hu Jintao, the head of the CCP, will visit North America in September. Recently, many Dafa practitioners in North America shared their thoughts about this issue. I want to sort out some important points in our sharing and offer these as a reference for fellow practitioners. Please, compassionately point out anything inappropriate.

Use this opportunity to clarify the truth

Jiang's group has already persecuted Dafa for over six years, and the CCP is still persecuting Dafa practitioners. As long as the persecution exists, we have to clarify the truth to people and governments in the world. Of course we should use this opportunity to clarify the truth to Hu Jintao.

Right now, the people of North America are highly anticipating Hu's visit; the objective facts are that people are interested in China and the things that are happening in China, which provides us with a natural opportunity to clarify the truth. Due to the CCP's severe information blockade related to the persecution and its use of financial incentives to silence some Western media, many people do not yet know the truth or don't know much about the truth. We can better utilize this objective environment to clarify the truth to the government on various levels and to different strata of society. During the United Nations Summit to be held in New York, many heads of state and government leaders will attend the meeting. All will have different forms of contact with the Chinese delegation. Dafa practitioners living outside North America can also use this opportunity to clarify the truth to their governments of the countries where they reside.

It is also a great opportunity for Hu Jintao himself and the Chinese delegation to learn the truth about Falun Gong. Jiang's group not only blocked information from the public but also from CCP officials outside Jiang's clique. Jiang's group also spread false information inside the CCP and deceived many people. During Hu Jintao's visits, overseas Dafa practitioners have tried their best to provide him with opportunities to the learn the truth and afforded Hu the opportunity to have close contact with Dafa practitioners. Dafa practitioners in North America will naturally make good use of this occasion to help Hu learn the facts. Hu and his delegation should make good use of this opportunity to truly learn the facts about Falun Gong in a free society, so their trip to North America brings them some real benefit.

Offering people salvation is the fundamental concern

When Jiang Zemin first started this persecution of Falun Gong, many high-level CCP officials opposed this unreasonable act. Yet, due to great pressure, many people participated in the persecution in the following years. Jiang's personal interests and deception also came into play. This has greatly harmed Dafa and Dafa practitioners, and they also created huge karma for themselves. As for Hu Jintao, who has now been in power for nearly three years, on the surface the CCP media has stopped attacking Falun Gong, yet the persecution is continuing in a covert and insidious manner. Many Dafa practitioners are still being arrested and even tortured to death. The persecution is still very severe in certain regions. As the highest government official in China, how can Hu shirk responsibility for this persecution? Reports on the Minghui website reveal Hu personally issued secret orders to persecute Falun Gong.

"Hu Jintao's Black Order: Fight a Silent Battle" http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2005/7/17/106368.html#2005-7-16-chnews-17 (Chinese link) http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2005/8/2/63521.html (English translation link)

"Hu Jintao Asks to Execute Falun Gong without Mercy during his Visit to the Weifang City Power Machinery Factory in Shandong Province" http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2005/7/21/106450.html#2005-7-20-lett-4 (Chinese link only)

The above articles make it clear that as head of state, as a leader of China, Hu neither ended the persecution of innocent Falun Gong practitioners, nor prosecuted the head perpetrator Jiang Zemin and his accomplices on various levels according to the laws of China. Instead, he personally issued orders to persecute Falun Gong. Hu has created a very dangerous situation for himself.

From our perspective, "Dafa is spreading widely, saving all sentient beings." ("Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful" from Essentials for Further Advancement II) Our fundamental starting point is to offer people salvation. Dafa gives chances to sentient beings if there is a thread of hope remaining for them, which manifests the benevolence of Dafa. Recently, Chen Yonglin, Hao Fengjun, Han Guangsheng abandoned the corrupt CCP, which is proof that CCP officials who took part in the persecution can still be rescued from a bad fate. Of course, not only do they have to stop persecuting Dafa, but they also have to resort to appropriate methods to pay back the tremendous karma resulting from the persecution they have participated in. From the perspective of saving people, Dafa has given Hu many opportunities and is still giving him opportunities.

Bring the persecutors to justice

Jiang's group abused their power and operated outside of the rule of law. They persecuted innocent and good Falun Gong practitioners. The severity of their crimes is beyond words. In the past few years, Dafa practitioners inside and outside China have firmly opposed the persecution and, as we clarified the truth to offer people the opportunities to be saved, have been appealing to bring the persecutors to justice.

During Hu's visit, we can of course propose, "bring them to justice: Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Liu Jing, Zhou Yongkang and other perpetrators at various levels." Whether or not Hu would follow his conscience and exercise his obligations, the choice is up to him. He would be making decisions for his own future. We certainly should not develop human attachments toward him and expect him to do something. We do not need to repeat past lessons about this issue.

The amount of time given to Hu is limited

The gods in the universe have announced the death knell for the CCP because it persecutes Falun Gong, and they have decided to eliminate the CCP. The will of the gods is a celestial phenomenon, so the disintegration of the CCP is inevitable in human society. Of course, gods look at a person comprehensively, and because many CCP members were deceived into joining the CCP in the first place, gods have given people opportunities again and again to be saved. Yet, gods will not watch people commit evil forever, and the grand vows of gods will soon be fulfilled. The persecution was destined to fail from the very beginning. The CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is now quickly approaching complete failure as Dafa practitioners inside and outside China persistently oppose the persecution. Not much time is left for the CCP to commit evildoings.

Looking from the situation of the overall Fa rectification in the universe, right now is the very last phase. We know that Fa rectification will soon arrive in the human world, and then everything will have been decided and no opportunities will remain. Time is limited for every person, and of course there is no exception for Hu. We Dafa practitioners must grasp the time and chances to clarify the truth to the people.

Dafa is compassionate and has given people opportunities over and over again; yet the Buddha Fa has its solemn side, and gods absolutely will not allow people to keep playing with Dafa's benevolence. In fact, Hu's hesitancy and that of some other perpetrators who took on and continued the persecution out of shortsightedness is very harmful for them. We need to help them become clear on this formidable relation.

Dafa practitioners have repeatedly advised people to follow their conscience; however, from many aspects, we know Hu has limited time left and we need to help him become clear on this. Of course, whether or not Hu can have a bright future depends on his own choice.