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Zunyi Medical College Graduate Mr. Wu Zhongran Is Suffering Persecution at the Zhongba Labor Camp in Guizhou Province

August 03, 2005 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Guizhou Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wu Zhongran graduated from Zunyi Medical College in Guizhou Province. He was sent from a brainwashing class to the Guizhou Zhongba Labor Camp where he is suffering from brutal persecution. His tormentors repeatedly spat into his mouth and forced him to swallow. He is also constantly violently punched, kicked and beaten. Mr. Wu's whole body is full of bruises and even now his legs have not recovered enough for him to walk normally.

Mr. Wu Zhongran lives in Zunyi City, Guizhou Province. Because he persisted in practicing Falun Dafa, in September of 2003 he was arrested at home by 610 Office agents and sent to the Zunyi brainwashing class (the so-called "Legal System Educational Training Class"). Wu Zongran then underwent three months of torture. In December 26, 2003, he was illegally sentenced by the 610 officials to two years in a labor camp.

In January of 2004, Mr. Wu was sent to Zhongba Labor Camp in Guizhou Province, where he was held in the 5th Division, 2nd Team. He stayed in a "punishing room" (a small room about ten square meters), where he suffered many different forms of persecution. Every day Mr. Wu was cursed at and beaten, and tormented by four drug addicts - Wang Jianqiang, Chen Bingbin, Liu Mingjun, and Xie Yuanchun. They rarely allowed him to use the bathroom (only one or two times daily). They forced him to stand for long periods of time in the "army corps" posture for about 20 hours every day, while at the same time forcing Mr. Wu to look at books and CDs which framed and slandered Falun Dafa. All these evil deeds were done under the direct command of the police.

On the first day that Mr. Wu was locked up in the forced labor camp, he refused to squat in the "army corps" posture, so was knocked down to the ground by Wang Jianqiang and Chen Bingbin. As a result, his legs were injured. The head of the Middle Team, Tu Zhongmei even rashly said, "I haven't seen bruises on his body yet." After a little while, Chen and Wang punched Mr. Wu's hands and back until they were swollen, then poured hot water on his head and back. Mr. Wu reproached them, saying he was going to sue them. These two even shamelessly said, "Okay, go ahead and sue us, so what!" Then they dragged Mr. Wu towards the police office. Policeman Tu clearly saw the abuse, but he shouted, "Well! Who saw the beating? Who can prove that you were beaten by them? Nobody!"

Team leader Xu Fayuan, who is in charge of the persecution of Falun Gong, asked Mr. Wu to explain the situation. Mr. Wu pointed out that it is a violation of human rights not to let people use the toilet for extended periods of time. The police said, "This is a forced labor camp, of course we have to regulate bathroom use." Moreover, he said that the way the police treated Mr. Wu was generous enough. He said that if he had things his way, he would have killed him with one shot already.

Because Mr. Wu is so steadfast in cultivating Falun Dafa, on the morning of February 2, 2004, police officer Xu ordered the perpetrators to intensify the persecution against him in the "punishing room." Therefore, every day they forcibly executed military drill style training on him and at night, they forced Mr. Wu to stand in the "army corps" posture. They forced him to read books that slander Falun Dafa, and did not allow him to sleep at all. By this time, Wu Zhongran had already been tortured until his legs were swollen from his feet to his knees, and could hardly walk. When he needed to use the bathroom, he wasn't even able squat. He was only able to bend his knees a little bit and lean forward with his upper body, almost in a standing position. He could not breathe properly due to chest pain, and his voice turned hoarse. (This was because the lawless authorities constantly struck his throat and choked him in order to prevent him from shouting while he was being beaten.)

The perpetrators used ropes to tie Mr. Wu around the waist and they made people drag him from the front, and push him from the back continually, knocking Mr. Wu to the ground. At night, in order to prevent him from sleeping, the perpetrators would spit water in his face and mouth and make him swallow. They also poured cold water on Mr. Wu's head and clothes, even wetting his shoes. Then they forced him to stand barefoot in the icy cold wind, all the while continually beating him.

July 18, 2005