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Keep up with the Fa-Rectification Process and Do Well on Our Cultivation Path

August 29, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) When sharing experiences with fellow practitioners recently, I noticed that many were still severely interfered with by their human notions, especially by the attachments of fear, self-interest, and sentimentality. These practitioners were quite confused. Although they knew in their hearts that they should get rid of the attachments, they could not easily let go of them. As a matter of fact, this is because these practitioners did not study the Fa with a calm heart, and therefore their xinxing stayed at the same level. Let us study Master's teachings on this together to help these fellow practitioners catch up.

Let our divine sides validate Dafa in the human realm

From Master's teachings,

"...may Dafa disciples' divine sides also be resurrected." ("Teaching the Fa on Easter 2004, at the New York Fa Conference")

"...at this time Dafa disciples have to do divine things," ("Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference" in 2005)

"...spread the facts widely. Divine beings are among men." ("To the European Fa Conference in Stockholm" in 2005)

It is clear that the Fa's requirements for Dafa disciples' xinxing level has become higher and higher. Therefore, when we encounter interference, we must study the Fa well to reduce our human side and human notions; this is how we can be on our way to becoming a divine being.

Actually, Master told us very clearly:

"Whenever a tribulation comes, you do not see it with the side of your original nature but view it completely with your human side. Evil demons then capitalize on this point and inflict endless interference and damage, leaving students in long-term tribulations. As a matter of fact, this results from an inadequate understanding of the Fa by your human side. You have humanly restrained your divine side; in other words, you have restrained the parts that have been successfully cultivated and have prevented them from doing Fa-rectification." ("Expounding on the Fa" from Essentials for Further Advancement)

A practitioner can be a divine being if he/she can let go of human notions, otherwise one is simply a human being. In order to avoid being interfered with by human notions, we must restrain every one of our human thoughts with our divine sides. In the meantime, we must let our human sides understand the Fa, improve our xinxing and keep up with the Fa-rectification. This way we are enabling our divine sides to validate Dafa in the human world, eliminate the evil and save sentient beings.

During the Fa-rectification, Dafa controls everything, and in saving sentient beings in the human society, everything that Dafa practitioners do counts. We must eliminate any bad human notions with our strong righteous thoughts. In other words, we must clearly know that although we are living in the human world, we must use divine thoughts when doing Fa-rectification work. We must be aware and be able to restrain any unrighteous factors. We must not let our human side stop us from doing what we should do. Although we look like human beings on the surface, and we are assisting Master's Fa-rectification in human ways and saving sentient beings using human forms, true Dafa disciples are all divine beings. If we are still viewing everything with human notions, how can we do well on our path to becoming divine beings, and how can we follow Master to go back to our true origins?

Whether one pays attention to sending forth righteous thoughts also shows if one has firm belief in Dafa and Master

Many fellow practitioners have discussed the importance of sending forth righteous thoughts in their articles. Here I would like to remind fellow practitioners one more time: Some practitioners have not been persistent in sending forth righteous thoughts because they felt tired, or they did not want to take on the hardships. Dear fellow practitioner, have you thought about the suffering our great Master went through in order to save sentient beings? Have you thought about fellow practitioners in prison who lost their lives? Do you realize that all the deceived human beings are waiting for us to save them from being destroyed?

Whether we pay attention to sending forth righteous thoughts indicates whether we are firm in Dafa and Master, and whether we are responsible to the Fa and sentient beings.

We may even send forth righteous thoughts to clean up the field around us when walking, going to work, taking a bus, doing grocery shopping, etc. This way we can eliminate the evil that stops people from being saved. We could send the thoughts of "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance are good" into people's minds. I hope every fellow practitioner will pay attention to sending forth righteous thoughts, and do well to catch up if we did not do well before.

Do not view the "Nine Commentaries" with human notions

I hereby suggest that all practitioners who are still viewing the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" (published by The Epoch Times newspaper) with human notions, to review Master's recent teachings several times. Especially those practitioners who still think we are involved in politics should carefully read Teacher's article, "We Are Not 'Getting Political" (in 2005). Dafa practitioners are cultivators, and we will never participate in politics. A non-practitioner could say we are involved in politics, and he could say whatever he thinks as a non-practitioner. If a Dafa practitioner thinks this way, then we have fallen to the ordinary people's level on this issue. The nine commentaries are to save all people who are poisoned by the evil, including people in the CCP and its top organizations. The purpose is to help all beings see clearly what is behind the CCP evil specter.

Dafa practitioners are people

"whose bodies are in the secular world but whose minds are beyond it. And we're not interested in political power there anyway." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Manhattan International Fa Conference")

Our purpose is to save people, as many as possible. We are actually doing "divine things" that non-practitioners cannot do. This is Dafa practitioners' mighty virtue, and it is also our responsibility and mission.

Several reminders:

1. We must study the Fa, do the exercises well and cultivate ourselves. Master told us,

"I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you this: while saving sentient beings, don't forget to cultivate yourselves. You need to do all of the three things." "Study the Fa a lot, read the book a lot." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Manhattan International Fa Conference")

2. Practitioners must teach young practitioners to study the Fa and do the exercises during the summer break. Every child in a Dafa practitioners' family came for a purpose: to obtain the Fa. Though kids have their own behavior, we should not use this reason to develop human notions. We must teach our children to study the Fa and do the exercises, as it is our responsibility.

3. We must help former fellow practitioners who have given up their cultivation under the evil persecution. We should share our understandings of the Fa with them with great patience and compassion to wake them up and help them back to their cultivation path, to come back to Dafa.

Master said:

"No matter how hard things may be for Dafa disciples and how trying your journey may be, your future is bright. More and more, you are seeing how bright your future is and are becoming clear about the kind of path you want to take. Master has prepared the best of everything for you, but you need to make it there!" ("Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Manhattan International Fa Conference")

Dear fellow practitioners, let us all do well everything we must do, keep up with the Fa-rectification process, and walk well on our path of validating Dafa until Consummation.