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Falun Dafa Practitioners Mr. Huang Wei and His Wife Hao Yanqiu from Shijiazhuang City Are Released

August 27, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Following rescue efforts and calls from people worldwide, Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Huang Wei and his wife from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province were recently released. Twice sentenced to terms of forced labor, Huang Wei and his wife were bailed out on medical parole last week, ending their labor camp terms early. Mr. Huang Wei is sick with high blood pressure, and his wife is very weak now, as well.

Mr. Huang Wei is 37 years old and was previously employed as a sales representative for the Shijiazhuang City Branch of Hebei Province Bio-medical Engineering Company. Mr. Huang's wife Hao Yanqiu is 34 years old. She graduated in fashion design from the Hebei Province Light Industry and Chemical Engineering Institute. The couple began their cultivation of Falun Dafa in the spring of 1995. The first time Mr. Huang Wei was sentenced to three years forced labor resulting from his appealing for the rights of Falun Dafa practitioners in 1999. The first labor camp term lasted until 2002.

Mr. Huang was sentenced a second time to forced labor in April of 2004. He was charged with "refusing to accept brainwashing." His wife tried to have him released but was herself detained in the Hebei Province Legal Education Center (a brainwashing class) at the beginning of 2005.

Mr. and Mrs. Huang's attorney Mr. Gao Zhisheng wrote an open letter regarding this case to the People's Congress at the end of December 2004, describing the inhuman tortures suffered by Mr. Huang because he practiced Falun Dafa. The letter called for an immediate resolution to the Falun Dafa practitioners' issues with legal procedures, but the Congress provided no response.

For public relations purposes, Chinese officials will often issue statements showing their continued concern for human rights prior to overseas visits by top officials. They do this while hundreds of thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners are still detained in Chinese prisons and labor camps, including U.S. citizen Charles Li, who has been detained in a prison for two and a half years.