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Submissions to the Rescue of Children Orphaned by China's Persecution of Falun Gong: "Petals of Peace" and "A Child of Luminosity"

August 24, 2005 |   By Gerard Traub


Petals of Peace

Can we find the heart for every child,
the heart to show we care?
When the world reaches out to every heart,
we will find compassion there.

Like a lotus flower unfolding,
colored above waters of grey.
Clouded skies to new horizons hold
the promise of peace someday.

For truth and for our future,
can we find the heart to lend a hand?
Together we can end injustice,
awaken the world to understand.

Let us bring each precious petal to light
for our children everywhere.
When the world reaches out to every heart,
we will find compassion there.

A Child of Luminosity

Light captured in
all manner of smiles,
compassion, the Fa
cradled within your eyes.

Let heart awaken beyond
tempest and years
as eternity beckons
behind your tears.

"Zhen - Shan - Ren"

First published in English at http://www.pureinsight.org/pi/articles/2005/8/15/3236.html