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Summary of Other Articles and News - August 8, 2005

August 22, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. Officials from Jilin City Establish a Brainwashing Center in Changyi District

In July 2005, after the shutdown of the brainwashing center in Chuanying District, Jilin City, Jilin Province, officials from the 610 Office established a brainwashing center in the Changyi District. Several practitioners were harassed by the newly-established brainwashing center. On the evening of August 3, 610 Office personnel broke into practitioner Chang Yahui's house and forcibly took him to the brainwashing center.


2. Wu Tainxing from the National Security Bureau of Guangde County, Anhui Province Arrests and Extorts Money from Falun Dafa Practitioners

Wu Taixing from the National Security Bureau of Guangde County, Anhui Province made a fortune by arresting practitioners and extorting money from them for several years. Almost 50 Falun Dafa practitioners have been illegally arrested, sentenced and had their homes searched and ransacked by Wu Taixing. Wu sentenced practitioners who did not compromise and give him money. For example, Wu Taixing wanted to extort money from Tang Deheng's family, circumventing the normal release procedure. Wu got nothing during Tang Deheng's four-month detention, therefore he was very angry and sent Tang Deheng to a forced labor camp on December 9, 2004.


3. The Barbaric Slavery at Anhui Women's Forced Labor Camp

In the Anhui Women's Forced Labor Camp, inmates were forced to work from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. and often worked until midnight and 1 a.m. in the morning. Accidents like workers' hands being injured by machines have occurred repeatedly, due to inmates getting insufficient sleep. Falun Gong practitioners were treated even harsher. Shao Bixia, Ji Bangxia, Tang Deheng, Wu Jufeng and Nie Yinzhen were forced to work more than 18 hours every day. They are all in their 50s. The police ordered them to move heavy goods back and forth between the second and third floors. Wang Ping was put in solitary confinement for a long term. Duan Gunhua was shocked with an electric baton on her face, leaving a permanent scar. At the end of 2004, police officer Chen Xiaolin, tied Shao Bixia's hands and feet and force-fed her medicine four times a day and poured cold water over her head.


4. Farmer from Anhui Sent to Forced Labor Illegally, Threatened with Three More Years of Detention if Family Files a Complaint; Other Practitioners Arrested

Practitioner Ms. Cong Lina, an honest farmer from Fuyang City, Anhui Province was sent to a forced labor camp in May of 2005. Her family intended to file a complaint but was threatened with three more years of detention from the police. Mr. Ji Bangxia from Taihe County was illegally sentenced to one year by the officials from the Public Security Bureau, and the police demanded money from his family. Ms. Ping Yan from Yingshang County was held in the Taihe County Detention Center because she practices Falun Dafa. She was forced to carry around a heavy object for one month as punishment in the detention center. Afterwards, it was a month before Ms. Ping could stand up straight. Ms. Ming Xiulan from Yingshang County, Fuyang City, was harassed by the police because they suspected that she was connected with Falun Dafa. She became destitute and homeless in order to avoid the persecution. Ms. Ming's family was broken apart and her more than seventy-year-old father was affected by the persecution.
