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"I Will Never Give That Kind of Lecture Again!"

August 02, 2005 |   By Zheng Xing, from Shanxi Province

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 14, 2005, Mrs. Mu (alias) told me her story . Mrs. Mu used to work at the Lecture Group of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at the city level. Soon after the persecution began on July 20, 1999, someone from the newly founded city 610 Office came to the Lecture Group, and asked the Group to assign a teacher to lecture detained practitioners at the forced labor camp. The content of the lectures was to be based on the government's lies and false propaganda about Falun Dafa.

Before she gave the lectures, Mrs. Mu read through Zhuan Falun, and found nothing in it that encouraged people to commit suicide or murder, on the contrary, it said that practitioners must not kill. Moreover, there was nothing that encouraged involvement in politics. This contradicted the CCP's propaganda, which made Mrs. Mu confused and curious. She wondered, "Why does the CCP want to persecute Falun Gong?" She happened to have a previous commitment on the day of her lecture, so that she asked another teacher, Mrs. Lu, (alias) to replace her, and told her not to speak badly about Falun Gong and its founder.

Most of the members of the Lecture Group had been thoroughly brainwashed by the CCP, and were required to conform with the Central Government policies and say only what the party allows, although they all knew what they said were actually lies. Mrs. Lu believed in the lies in the media from the CCP about the suicides and murders, and she defamed Dafa during her lecture at the labor camp. The practitioners who were there tried to stop her from repeating those lies. Because the camp guards prevented practitioners from interrupting to "keep order" in the class, practitioners started to recite the Fa and no one listened to her. Mrs. Lu could see the practitioners' lips moving but couldn't hear what they were saying. Very soon her head started to ache, and it lasted for half a month after the lecture. Afterwards, Mrs. Lu told Mrs. Mu. "You got me into trouble by asking me to give the lecture for you." Mrs. Lu shared her story with her co-workers and 610 Office staff, and many people have since been afraid of taking this kind of job.

Mrs. Mu said, "I don't believe in gods and ghosts, but I can't explain this phenomenon." I told her, "Mrs. Lu didn't listen to your advice, but defamed Dafa, and now she's received her reward. Her headache was merely a gentle warning to cease her wrongdoings. It's good that she realized it right away. Someone said he didn't believe that evil is rewarded with evil, and defamed Dafa in public. This person may be in mortal danger because of this." Then I said, "Zhuan Falun is a miraculous book, many other good books have been banned in history. You have missed one chance already, please read this book carefully when you get the chance."

Even though some practitioners are still detained at prisons, their righteous thoughts and righteous actions have strongly affected the evil. I respect them.

July 15, 2005