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People Obtain Dafa After Learning the Truth

August 18, 2005 |  


A Large Number of New Practitioners in a City in Shandong Province are Very Happy to Obtain Zhuan Falun

Recently, there have been many people who happily learned Falun Dafa. A few days ago, these new practitioners finally received 70 copies of the long-awaited, beautifully printed book, Zhuan Falun. A fellow practitioner said, "These days common people are reading the Nine Commentaries and quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after learning the true nature of its wickedness. At the same time, they are happy to obtain this precious book to begin their cultivation practice."

Heart is Anchored After Practicing Falun Dafa

By a new practitioner from Lushuihe, Susong County, Jilin Province

I felt ill around the Spring Festival time this year. My neighbor who practices Falun Dafa told me to silently repeat the phrases, "Falun Dafa is good," and "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance is good." I followed her advice. After awhile my body shook and I felt very good afterward. I decided to practice Falun Gong because the practice was so good.

I used to drink wine with meals three times a day, I smoked and I wasted my time doing nothing. After I began the practice, I stopped drinking and smoking and my health improved substantially. Nowadays, I am high-spirited, happy and light-hearted. Many things about life that I didn't previously understand are now suddenly clear to me. My spouse also began practicing Falun Gong after witnessing the changes in me.