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Western Practitioner: "Sending Righteous Thoughts Constantly Is Important"

August 13, 2005 |   By a western practitioner


The three things that Master asks us to do well are all integral and complement each other. Without efficient and clearheaded Fa-study, one is unable to enter the state of tranquility during sending forth righteous thoughts. Master has said, "When a cultivator's mind departs from the Fa, the evil will find its way in." (from "Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.") The interference and drifting thoughts that people encounter during sending righteous thoughts is because of this. Without Fa-study righteous thoughts become weak. With Fa-study, and once your mind is only the Fa, this is when tranquility is deeper, and when righteous thoughts are their most powerful.

Master said,

"Actually, when you can truly be tranquil, one thought is more than enough to shake Heaven and Earth, there's nothing that it can't do, and it's as if it immediately immobilizes and restrains everything covered by your domain; you're like a mountain, and you instantly restrain them. You shouldn't always have an unsteady mind. You can't achieve that when your mind is unsteady." ("Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference")

This is why when clarifying the truth we should keep a righteous mind. Although people may think that it is our pursuit to clarify the truth, we do not have to look at it that way. If we think, "I wish to save this sentient being," and we truly let our righteous thoughts guide us, then we will show no attachments. Therefore, the old forces will find no gaps to interfere with us.

Recently, I was handing out Falun Dafa Readers outside a practice site near a local annual art festival. There were many people walking by, and they were either going to the festival or leaving it. Many people were holding rolled up posters and drink cans, and many people looked tired or upset. At first as I was handing out the materials to passersby, I tried to get their attention only by saying "Sir" or "Ma'am" and offering them a paper. The results were just as I thought they would be. The people that looked like they were smiling or "going to be accepting" would take the paper. The people that had their hands full or looked like "the wrong type of people" wouldn't take the paper.

After about 10 minutes, I decided to send forth righteous thoughts while I was handing out the materials. At first I still had those small thoughts that interfered with me, and I did not take note of what Master said:

"Closing your eyes and not closing your eyes both have the same effect when you send righteous thoughts. If you keep your eyes open you need to reach a state where you don't take note of anything you see in the dimension of everyday people." ("Righteous Thoughts")

After I thought about this, I began to focus on the word "Mie" and smile at people while I handed them the materials. The results were completely different. Everyone took the materials, despite their situation. When there was a group of people walking by, after I handed one person a flyer, a person behind him would reach their hand out for another one. It was as if all of what they were thinking about before dissolved in my field, and as if they were in the same state I was in. This situation moved me and strengthened my faith in sending righteous thoughts.

These are my understandings. Please correct me if anything is inappropriate.