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610 Officers Terrified by Fierce Lightning Storm that Seemed to Follow Them From Place to Place

August 13, 2005 |   By a practitioner in mainland China


Three years ago, some fellow practitioners and I were detained illegally in a suburban building where a brainwashing session was being held. The 610 Office staff stayed in the corner room on the top floor of the building. Only authorized people were allowed onto that floor. They held a secret meeting one night in their room with those who came from different work places, neighborhoods, and police stations to help monitor and brain-wash practitioners.

Suddenly, thunder and lightning struck. It rained very heavily. Lightning and thunder continuously struck near the room in the corner of the building where the 610 Office staff stayed. Lightning and thunder pounded the earth over and over. Finally, one lightning bolt hit and made sparks on a window in their room. They were so scared that they screamed and ran down a stairwell to a floor below.

Unexpectedly, thunder followed and hit the floor again. Heavy thunder continuously hit the building as if it was breaking the building apart. The 610 staff did not know what to do. Their screams could be heard all over the building.

At last, they ran to the ground floor and stood in the lobby. Before they could calm down and take a breath, a lightning bolt carrying a huge fire ball glided towards a large flower pot in the front door, and struck the palm tree in the pot a few meters away. All of them were too scared to react, and had no idea where to escape.

One of them said, "We'd better go to the Falun Gong practitioners." Those who assisted in brainwashing quickly ran to the rooms of the practitioners.

When they saw the Dafa practitioners sitting calmly in their rooms, they were very surprised. They asked, "Aren't you afraid?" The answers were almost the same, "No." The person who monitored me sat closely by me and murmured, "The thunder seems to follow us. It is safest to sit by a Falun Gong practitioner."

The next day, a brainwashing assistant told me with a smile, "You all can rest for a week now. The 610 staff dared not to stay last night. They said that they had a meeting in town, and left in the rain last night."s