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Persecution at Shenyang City's Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp Brainwashing Center

August 01, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Around the date of the Chinese New Year 2005, the Chinese Communist Party put a lot of money into the Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp Brainwashing Center (known to the public as the "Law Education School") to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners who assisted in the rescue of practitioner Gao Rongrong were detained at this brainwashing center after they were arrested. Gao Rongrong was also persecuted here for some time when she was arrested the second time, after her rescue.

The main perpetrators here are guards Shi Fengyou, Guan Yuping and guard Jiang. They incite collaborators to directly carry out forced-brainwashing of steadfast practitioners. The collaborators include: Chen Jie (male, 48), Li Guifu (female), Zhang Shiying (female, 64), Wang Yan (male, 40), Lan Li (female), Yu Jie (female), Yang Lijuan (female), and several others whose names are not known. Chen Jie lives in Sujiatun District, and Wang Yan lives in Liushu Village, Kangping County. Li Guifu is notorious for her ruthless beating of practitioners. Zhang Shiying lives in Dadong District, and often writes materials that are used by other people who "enlightened" along an evil path. These collaborators are paid 20 yuan per day to do brainwashing.

Since the Chinese New Year, the Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp Brainwashing Center has organized three or four forced brainwashing classes. The basic process includes:

Collaborators become friendly with steadfast practitioners by providing some good food and drinks, as well as "care."

They quote parts of Zhuan Falun out of context, distorting the original meaning, and force practitioners to watch videos that stigmatize Dafa in order to force them to "enlighten" along an evil path. If this does not work, they go on to the next step.

Intimidation. The collaborators threaten practitioners with the following statements: "If you don't want to be "transformed," we can easily make you a fool, insane, and you may even die. If you die, we can say it is because your practice made you go insane and commit self immolation, and it has nothing to do with the labor camp or the evil Communist Party. No one will listen to your complaints. We will sentence you to one to three years of imprisonment, where you will receive worse treatment. We can easily cremate you," etc.

If intimidation doesn't work, corporal punishment will be utilized. Practitioners are forced to squat, stand or sit on concrete ground for long periods of time. They are deprived of sleep and use of the toilet, forced to listen to defamatory statements slandering Falun Gong, and even coerced to sit on the book "Zhuan Falun," which is placed on the ground by the collaborators. If practitioners refuse to do so, collaborators kick and beat them. This is how a group of collaborators attack a steadfast practitioner. On the surface, the guards won't appear to have direct involvement in the persecution. The advantage of this strategy is that while they can claim credit and ask for rewards if someone is "transformed," guards nevertheless escape responsibility, and blame the collaborators if a practitioner is persecuted to disability, injury or death.

The brainwashing center typically holds a "farewell ceremony" for the so-called "transformed" people who were "transformed" under pressure. At the ceremony, the guards will force these practitioners to express their gratitude for the evil brainwashing education, and the leaders of the brainwashing center hypocritically utter a few words of good wishes, creating a false impression of "positive effects of education" on Falun Gong practitioners, and deceiving the public with their lies.

Recently, male Falun gong practitioners at Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp have been transferred to Shenyang City's Shenxin Forced Labor Camp (situated in Yuhong District). The guards tortured practitioners who refused to be "transformed" with electric shocks.

Address of Shenxin Forced Labor Camp: 35 Caohu street, Yuhong District, Shenyang City, Postcode: 110141
Team leaders of Division One of Shenxin Forced Labor Camp: Chen Wei, Xia Cheng, Wei Maoquan, Ma Zhigang and leader Gao
Party secretary and director of Shenxin Forced Labor Camp: Liu Jing
Deputy director: Ni Cunli, Zhao Quan
Office of Politics: Sun Yongping
Phone number of Division Two, Brigade One: 86-24-25369745-258211
Office of supervision: 86-24-25369740-8231
Reception: 86-24-25361617