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Clarifying the Truth to Everyone I Meet

August 01, 2005 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) My health was bad after I got out of the labor camp, but by studying the Fa, cultivating my xinxing, practicing the exercises, and being strengthened by Teacher, I soon recovered. Though I had lost my vision, I was able see again after three months. The authorities, however, continued to cause trouble for me and required that I report my actions to them. Later, through studying the Fa and cultivating my heart, I enlightened to the realization that I can't cooperate with the evil. We Dafa disciples are very good people, and being sent to forced labor camps is persecution by the evil. We must have righteous thoughts and righteous actions to be worthy of being Dafa disciples. People that we come into contact with have a predestined relationship with us, and we should clarify the truth to them. For this reason I tell everyone around me about how Jiang's regime controls every level of government to cruelly persecute Falun Gong practitioners. I tell them how I came to practice Dafa, and I tell them why practitioners are as firm as stone under the extreme pressure of the persecution. After some time, I wrote down my personal experiences with the crimes of the Jiang regime and how they slandered and framed Falun Gong. I used my writings as "truth clarifying" materials, sending them to each level of the government. After that the persecutors stopped causing trouble for me.

In March of this year, some police officers came to my house. I calmly asked them to come in. At that time I had only one thought, "Because they have come here, they are people with predestined relationships with Dafa." My duty and mission is to save sentient beings, so I told them the facts about how Dafa has spread and is respected throughout the world and that Dafa disciples are good people who conform to the standard of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." I told them that I had gone from being a selfish and imitative person to a selfless person, but that the authorities had put me in prison anyway. I expressed to them my hope that they could distinguish good from bad and benevolence from evil, and treat Dafa disciples with care. I told them the heavenly principle that good is rewarded with good and evil is punished. Since that time, those police officers have never returned.

Also in March I went to the jail to visit my son, but the jailer denied me the right to see him. I went to appeal to the head jailer, but he wouldn't see me. Later I talked about the evil nature of the Jiang regime to all the jailers and family members who were in the waiting room, until my younger son persuaded me to leave. When I got home, I wrote down what had happened that day and the crimes the government has committed in persecuting Falun Gong and sent my account to the jails and the police department. At that time my fellow practitioners advised me to wait and think about it, but I didn't believe that was the thing to do. I thought, "No matter who you are, you are a sentient being. If they make trouble for me, I will clarify the truth to them." Teacher said in "Teaching the Fa at Western US International Fa Conference,"

"So as a cultivator, what is truly remarkable is when you can be steadfast and have righteous thoughts so firm that nothing can sway you."

With my righteous thoughts firmly on the Fa, I dissolved myself into the Fa, my heart became steady, and as a result, the evil made no trouble, and the officials at the jail even agreed to let me visit my son.

Usually when I meet someone, I clarify the truth about Dafa, telling about the atrocities of the evil Communist Party. If the person is willing to listen, I tell him or her about the importance of quitting the CCP. The effects have been good.

In July two more local police officers came to my home. I cherish the opportunity to save sentient beings, so I clarified the truth to them. I told them about how the CCP has persecuted Dafa these past six years, yet Dafa has continued to blossom. After asking them why they thought that was, I told them it was because Falun Dafa is good and is recognized and respected by people the world over, but because Dafa is slandered and trampled in China, the evilness of the CCP is revealed. I gave them a copy of an open letter to the public, admonished them to treat Dafa and Dafa practitioners kindly and not to be used by the evil. They politely left.

As Dafa practitioners, only by dissolving into the Fa and believing in Teacher and Dafa can we reach the standard of righteous thoughts and righteous actions and let go of our ordinary human attachments. Of course I still have to cultivate myself, and my attachments often reveal themselves. For instance, I have an attachment to watching costume drama TV shows. I've spent a lot of time and energy on them, which has directly affected my cultivation.

I will eliminate these attachments, however, as a genuine Dafa practitioner must.

Without the protection and strength of our compassionate and great Teacher, I couldn't have made it through these past few years. I cannot express my respect for Teacher and Dafa with words. I can only do well the three things Teacher has told us to do and save more sentient beings to justify the grace Teacher has shown me.