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The Epoch Times: A Legal Worker in the Chinese Government Exposes the CCP

July 08, 2005 |  

Special to The Epoch Times

Jul 07, 2005

I am a legal officer working for the Chinese government. I have read the stories published in The Epoch Times about the Chinese diplomats who have defected from China: Chen Yonglin, the former Chinese diplomat in Australia, Hao Fengjun, who worked in the 610 Office in the Tianjin City Public Security Bureau, and the Toronto based Han Guangsheng, the former chief of Shenyang City's Justice Bureau and Third Level Police Supervisor. They have openly denounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), exposing its evil nature and persecution of dissidents at home and abroad.

I feel encouraged by what they've done and think that they made the right choice. I want to support them by sharing what I know and let them know they are not alone.

On October 1, 1999, the government began enforcing the Chinese Administrative Review Law. After a period of coordination and preparation, we who had been working in the administrative tribunals began to take cases of people appealing their sentences in forced-labor reeducation camps.

Among these appeal cases there were a few appeals from Falun Gong practitioners about their illegal sentences to forced-labor camps. We were instructed to make decisions about sensitive cases requiring administrative review. But there was no legal precedent for these cases, as there were no existing laws or regulations on how such cases should be handled. The tribunal chiefs were all cautious about these cases because they were afraid they would be held responsible when their ruling did not hold up to future legal reviews. Their answer was to ignore appeals from Falun Gong practitioners.

Later the tribunal chiefs worked with the Bureau of Reeducation-through-Labor Administration, and passed the rule that Falun Gong practitioners' appeals would not be accepted. This has meant that Falun Gong practitioners have no channel through which to appeal. Their situation is even worse than that of regular prisoners in the forced-labor camps. In another words, all of the decisions for Falun Gong practitioners' cases are illegal.

Later, because of pressure from high levels, our tribunals started to accept Falun Gong practitioners' appeals. But we were back to our old problem- how to make a ruling on their appeals? We then received orders from the tribunal chiefs and telephone notification from related departments. We should make the ruling based [on] the regulations on the administration of peace and order, and all decisions should be consistent with the original decision to send Falun Gong practitioners to forced-labor reeducation camps.

The CCP has completely ignored their own policies of putting the law first, as expressed in the slogans: "Manage cities according to the law, administer according to the law, and handle affairs according to law." The CCP has ordered deceived government legal workers to violate the law and the Constitution, and thus to become the scapegoats for the CCP's evil acts.

The evil CCP cruelly tortures Falun Gong practitioners behind the scenes while on the surface they cover up the truth of the persecution. My own experience helped me see the truth in what Chen Yonglin, Hao Fengjun and Han Guangsheng have exposed!

I want to use my experiences to tell people and the governments where Chen, Hao and Han live to please trust and protect them, and support their exposure of the CCP's illegal persecution of Falun Gong! Please do not just sit back and watch! Help the Chinese government officials who haven't lost their conscience to realize the evil nature of the CCP as early as possible, to stop the persecution as early as possible, and to stop those who are still unwittingly committing crimes. This is a morally good act. Return the justice to people!

For security reasons, I will not leave my name. Thank you!

A reader of The Epoch Times

Source: http://english.epochtimes.com/news/5-7-7/30122.html