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Summary of Other Articles and News - July 23, 2005

July 30, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. Dafa practitioner Zhang Wenhua from Daqing City, Liaoning Province is illegally detained

On the evening of May 3, 2005, some policemen from the Tieren Police Department forcibly entered Dafa practitioner Zhang Wenhua's home and stole 30,000 yuan, which Ms. Zhang had saved for her son's college admission test. Since Ms. Zhang Wenhua was not at home, the police arrested her husband, Mr. Jin Chengxiu, as a hostage. On the second day, after the police deceived Ms. Zhang into going out, they abducted her and detained her in the Daqing City Detention Center, where she remains to date.

Translated on July 26, 2005 from an edited version of


2. The Police Department of Mulan County in Heilongjiang Province detained Dafa practitioners and extorted money from them

On June 6, 2005, policemen from the Police Department of Mulan County in Heilongjiang Province unlawfully broke into several practitioners' homes, arrested them, extorted money from them, and illegally detained these practitioners. Ding Yanhong was abducted. Zheng Li was over 60 and policemen forcibly extorted 1,200 yuan from her. Practitioner Wang Xiumei and Zhang Jinlan's homes were unlawfully broken into and their lives were disrupted.

Translated on July 26, 2005 from an edited version of
