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Summary of Other Articles and News - June 3, 2005

July 03, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. Persecution Suffered by Shengli Oil Field Falun Gong Practitioners of Shandong Province

Shengli Oil Field persecutes Falun Dafa practitioners viciously and severely. The worst perpetrators of the persecution are members of the Shengli Oil Field 610 Office, Binhai Police Station, Shengli Oil Extraction Company, Commodity Supplier Vendors, Transportation Company, Oil University, and the Electricity Company.

The home of Falun Dafa practitioner Yang Jiangjun, employee at the Number 1 Science and Technology Division, was recently ransacked and looted by staff from the Shengli Oil Field Binhai Police Station. Yang escaped with the aid of righteous thoughts.

Staff from the Shengli Old Field Binhai police station recently ransacked the home of Falun Dafa practitioner Zhou Baoshun, an employee at the Number Eight Subsidiary Oil Field without any legal process or due cause.

At 9 a.m. on May 20, Huantai County police, staff from the Shengli Oil Field Binhai police station, and personnel from the material supply office arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Yu Dexing, an employee of the Shengli Oil Field material supply office, quality control division, and took him to Huantai. They also ransacked his house without legal justification.

In the afternoon of May 13, Huantai county police and police from the Shengli Old Field Binhai police station arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Aiquan Shengli, an employee of the Oil Field Dongxin Oil Extract Factory. At 8 p.m. on the same day, they broke into Zhang's house and arrested his wife, Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Mingyun. On May 17th, Zhang Aiquan and Wang Mingyun were transferred from the Huantai County Detention Center to the Zibo City Police Station.

On May 11th at 7 p.m., policemen from the Shengli Oil Field Binhai police station arrested practitioner Wang Qingmei, an employee of the Shengli Oil Field Third Branch Office, while he was distributing truth clarification material. They took him to the Shengli Oil Field's brainwashing center.

On April 28, the brainwashing center that detained Qiu Hongmei also unlawfully detained four more practitioners. The elderly and widowed Mrs. Li had been on hunger-strike for fifteen days by April 28th.

On April 6, the Shengli Oil Extract Factory Number One Mine Security Unit arrested the following practitioners and took them to the brainwashing center: Zhang Zhongxia, a Shengli Oil Field Electricity Headquarters employee; Doctor Shi Ziying, a resident doctor at the Shengli Old Field Northern Community Electricity Sanitation Hospital; and Zhang Yisheng, an Electricity Sanitation Hospital employee. Zhang Zhongxia was forced to attend the Oil Field material supply branch brainwashing class, without any legal process. Shi Ziying and Zhang Yisheng were forced to attend the Shengli purchasing department brainwashing class.

In the evening of March 25th, Li Yeming, the design technician of Shengli Oil Field and Qiu Hongmei (Li Yip Ming's wife) were sending Dafa truth-clarifying materials from the Shengli dormitory. Police from the Shengli Oil Field University arrested Qui Hongmei. In the afternoon of March 28th, they broke into the dormitory without legal cause and arrested Li. They took Li to a detention center. Qiu Hongmei was arrested and taken to a brainwashing center.

Staff from the Haibin Police Sub-Branch of the Shengli Oil Field Electricity Company arrested practitioner Yu Chunling for posting truth clarifying posters.

In the evening of March 6, the electricity company and the 610 Office arrested Yao Hongmie, and took her to the Commodity Supply Division brainwashing class.

On January 18 at 10 p.m., Wang Shuling, employee of the Shengli Oil Field Commodity Supply Department Wuhua Group Company Metal Factory, was unlawfully arrested and forced to attend the Commodity Supply Department brainwashing class.

Shengli Oil Field 610 Office arrested Yan Shoumei, an employee of the Shengli Oil Field Central Hospital and forced him to attend the Oil Extracting Factory brainwashing class.

Wang Rufeng, the Oil University Shengli Institute accounting department bookkeeper, and three unnamed practitioners were arrested and forced to attend brainwashing classes. Furthermore, their homes were ransacked.

At the beginning of the year, an unnamed female practitioner from the Shengli Oil Field Electricity Company was distributing truth-clarifying material at the Xiyijia Supermarket. She was reported to the police, and shortly thereafter she was forced to attend a brainwashing class.

At the beginning of the year, four practitioners were sentenced and taken to a forced labor camp. Tang Zhanchen and Yang Jiangchen were sentenced to three years of forced labor. Shen Xiaoyuan was sentenced to one year and Yang Chenghan to two years of forced labor.


2. Exposing the Lawless Police and Sham Court in the Xuhui District at Shanghai

It was reported that on the evening before May 1, 2005, local police arrested practitioner Gu Zhiyan of Dongan Number Two Village Xuhui District in Shanghai. Gu Zhiyuan was observed when photo copying truth clarifying material in his office. Practitioner Zhang Tianlun was arrested alongside Gu Zhiyanat. Shortly after, Zhang Tianlun was granted bail until the trial.

In April of 2005, Xuhui Police arrested practitioner Gong Naifang (female), 60 years old, without legal cause. The Xuhui Section of Shanghai was one of the most active and ruthless areas in persecuting practitioners.

The first unlawful verdict against practitioners was rendered in this area. They sentenced practitioners from three to twelve years in prison. Beginning with April 25, 1999, the police of that area began to monitor practitioners. It began after Shanghai practitioners appealed at the People's Square. The Xuhui section police began a large-scale, illegal arrest pattern, detaining practitioners and torturing them during interrogation.

Practitioner Jiang Bing, male, about 37 years old, was severely beaten after his arrest. He was not allowed to sleep for several days and nights in a row.

Practitioner Lan Bing, male, about 38 years old, was not allowed to sleep for seven days and nights. Several high voltage spotlights were used to deprive him of sleep. He was also beaten. When Lan Bing was taken to the Xuhui Detention Center, he had grown very weak and was unable to stand on his own.

Practitioner He Binggang, male, about 28 years old, was dismissed by Fudan University for practicing Falun Gong.

Jiang Bin, a medical student, was also persecuted by staff from Fudan University. He was arrested and taken to Tilanquio Prison. He was sentenced to three years in prison without a legal process.

He Bingang was kept under a strong spotlight, had his legs beaten with a wooden club, was not given any food, and was tortured. They did not let him sleep for five days and nights. At a later date, he was sentenced to six years in prison.

Nearly all detained practitioners suffered from the same torture, that is, handcuffing to a metal chair and sleep deprivation for several days. Steadfast practitioners were subjected to cruel infusion of liquids, handcuffing to the metal bars on the window for several days, and sleep deprivation. These types of torture were very common in Shanghai.
