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Russia: Promoting Falun Gong in Stavropol (Photos)

July 27, 2005 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Moscow

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 1 and 2, 2005, a group of Falun Dafa practitioners from Moscow went to the city of Stavropol to promote Falun Gong and tell people about the persecution against practitioners in China.

People come to the introductory meeting

Exercise demonstration

Traditional Chinese dancing

Answering questions

Teaching the exercises

Teaching the exercises

Because of a problem with the electricity supply, the introductory meeting was delayed for ninety minutes. But nobody left. During this time, the practitioners gave out a lot of handmade paper lotus flowers to the audience. Meanwhile, they also explained to people what cultivation practice is and about the characteristics of Falun Gong cultivation practice. Many people in the audience were young people who were very interested in Falun Gong.

Once the meeting was underway, practitioners from Moscow and some local practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises. They then introduced Falun Gong and the persecution happening in China. Afterwards, the practitioners also performed dancing and singing. When the meeting was finished, the audience did not want to leave for a long time. They surrounded the practitioners and asked many questions.

On the second day in Stavropol, the practitioners did group exercises in the local park. People who were interested in learning the exercises were taught on the spot. Many of them were young people. At the beginning, they were a little hesitant, but they all joined the exercise group later on. Some of them even learned how to do the meditation with their legs crossed in the full lotus position.

Stavropol is a poor area and people there are generally in low spirits and suffer from low morale. The practitioner's arrival was a great gift for the local citizens. The atmosphere was like a festival.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200507/27788.html