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Cooperating as One Body to Save Our Fellow Practitioners

July 27, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) A Dafa practitioner and his wife (also a practitioner) in our area are very determined in their cultivation of Falun Dafa. In 2001, the husband was sentenced to a forced labor camp because of his steadfast belief in Dafa. He walked out of the labor camp finally after enduring all sorts of torture.

On May 19, 2005, agents from the county's national security team suddenly forced their way into his home and took his wife away against her will. They also seized Falun Dafa books and Teacher's photo from their home. The next day, the husband was also taken away. There were only a 70-year-old grandmother and two teenage children left at home.

When the news circulated among the local Dafa practitioners, they quickly discussed how to rescue the couple. They thought that they should negate the arrangement of the old forces and not allow the evil to persecute fellow practitioners.

After the discussion, the fellow cultivators' xinxing upgraded holistically, and they started to work together to rescue the couple. Some of them went to find out where the couple was detained, some went to clarify the truth to the authorities concerned, and some swiftly obtained the phone numbers of the national security team, so that other practitioners in various places were able to call them and deter the evil. A lot of local practitioners called the authorities directly and also informed all their fellow practitioners who could be reached to send righteous thoughts. Some practitioners personally went to look after and encourage the detained couple.

Two practitioners traveled a long way to the kidnapped couple's home and explained their intention to the old grandmother and asked her to cooperate in the rescue plan. The elderly woman called her daughter immediately asking her to take actions to rescue the couple. After learning the truth of the persecution, her daughter went to the police department requesting the release of the couple.

Upon finishing the arrangements, a young practitioner accompanied the mother into the office of the national security team and urged them to release her son. The old woman pleaded in tears that the arrest had put the family in dire straits. The practitioner took the opportunity to denounce the police: "It is time to harvest the crops, so why should you detain them to leave only the old and little ones at home?" The police chief answered sulkily: "Because they practice Falun Gong...." The practitioner told them that there was freedom in the choice of personal belief in the constitution, that Falun Gong practitioners were the best people in the world, and that good meets with good and evil with evil. The police chief was tremendously embarrassed and finally found an excuse saying that he knew nothing about the couple. The practitioner stepped forward and said "The old lady cannot leave now since there is nothing left after you ransacked her home, and she has nothing to eat either." At this time, the police chief had to say good things and promised to release the couple 15 days later. He sent the old mother to the railway station and sent the practitioner home in his vehicle.

15 days later, the illegally detained couple was unconditionally released.

Through the process, we realized that we should clarify the truth right to the point and let more people understand the truth so that they have the opportunity to be saved. All fellow practitioners co-operated well and looked upon the problem from the perspective of the Fa, and we felt the power as one whole body.