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Thoughts on "The Chinese Communist Party Culture"

July 25, 2005 |   By a Dafa Practitioner in Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) When we distribute the Nine Commentaries flyers and clarify the truth to people, why do we get different reactions from the people? Recently I chatted with some people from other countries on the Internet, and I found their minds rather pure and simple. When I brought up the fact that the CCP is persecuting people for their beliefs, most of them saw that the CCP was at fault and expressed their sympathy and support to Falun Gong. However, when I talk to people in Mainland China, only a very limited number of people are open-minded and rational and can understand and sympathize; whereas most people either show some doubt or think that Falun Gong is getting political, or they would try to avoid discussing any national policies. In fact, all of these responses and behaviors are the result of the negative impact of the CCP culture on the Chinese people. But what is the "CCP Culture"?

Recently, I studied the section titled "Inborn Quality" in Zhuan Falun (Lecture Nine). It says,

"A person's good or poor inborn quality can determine whether his enlightenment quality is good or poor. A person's poor inborn quality can also make his enlightenment quality very poor. Why is this? It is because one with good inborn quality has a lot of the white substance that is assimilated to our universe and to the characteristic Zhen-Shan-Ren without any barrier. The characteristic of the universe can manifest directly in your body and be in immediate contact with your body. But black substance is just the opposite. As it is obtained by doing wrong deeds, it goes the opposite way from our universe's characteristic. Therefore, this black substance becomes separated from the characteristic of our universe. When this black substance accumulates to a great amount, it will form a field surrounding one's body and wrap one up inside. The larger the field, the higher its density and thickness, and this will make one's enlightenment quality become worse. This is because one is unable to receive the universe's characteristic of Zhen-Shan-Ren, as one has acquired the black substance by doing wrong deeds."

"Some people have very good inborn quality, but due to their being educated with that tiny bit of knowledge from our practical society, and especially because of the absolute methods in ideological education a few years ago, they have been made very narrow-minded and will not believe anything beyond their knowledge. This can seriously affect their enlightenment quality."

From reading this section, I realized that the CCP culture is reflected as a black-substance karmic field in other dimensions. It's also a substance that has life. It is a negative substance where the CCP's evil specter resides. The degree of one's acceptance of the CCP culture determines the density of this kind of black substance around his body, which affects how much one can understand the truth. The Chinese people grow up in the substance field of the CCP culture. This is what they hear and what they see every day. So, more or less, the Chinese people have inherited the nine genes of the CCP's evil specter. These negative factors have severely blocked the Chinese people from recognizing the truth, and they have made the environment in China very complicated.

In the section titled "A Clear and Clean Mind" in Zhuan Falun (Lecture Nine), it says,

"Sakyamuni once made this statement, as did Boddhidarma: 'This oriental land of China is a place where people of great virtues are produced.' Throughout history, many monks and a lot of Chinese people have been very proud about this; it seems to suggest that they can cultivate high-level gong, and thus many people are pleased and feel flattered: 'Alright us Chinese people! The land of China can produce people of great inborn quality and great virtue.' In fact, many people have not understood the meaning behind it. Why does the land of China produce people of great virtues and high-level gong? Many people do not understand the genuine meaning of what those high-level people have said, and neither do they understand the realm or mindset of those people at high levels and in lofty realms. Of course, we have said that we will not point out what it means. Think about it, everyone: Only by being among the most complex group of people and in the most complex environment can one cultivate the high-level gong--it implies this."

For a Chinese person, it is indeed not easy to shatter the shackles of the CCP culture, use their own basic instincts to look at an issue or gain a personal perspective in that complicated environment. For those many kings from different nations who dared to reincarnate in China, this complex environment will help them establish mighty virtue. For the sentient beings, those who can step forward and make it will have the opportunity to step into the next stage of history. For those who were polluted or muddled too much by the CCP Culture, or those who are willing to help spread the poison for the CCP's evil specter, they will face dire consequences.

The immense force of the Fa-rectification has put shattering the evil poison of the CCP's culture at a critical point. When facing the pollution of the CCP culture, what should Dafa disciples do? In the section titled "Practicing Evil Cultivation" in Zhuan Falun (Lecture Five), it says,

"What is "practicing evil cultivation?" It has several forms. There are people who specialize in practicing evil cultivation, since throughout history there have been people who pass down these things. Why are they being passed down? It is because they seek fame, personal gain, and money among everyday people; those are what they want. Of course, such a person does not have a high xinxing level and cannot get gong. What can he get then? Karma. If one has a lot of karma, it can also become a form of energy. But this person does not have any status and he cannot be compared with a practitioner. In comparison with everyday people, however, he can restrain them because karma is also a form of energy. When its density becomes very high, it can also strengthen the supernormal abilities in one's body and produce such an effect. Therefore, throughout history some people have taught this. Such a person claims: 'By doing bad deeds and by swearing, I can increase my gong.' He is not increasing gong. Actually, he is increasing the density of this black substance, since doing bad deeds can bring about the black substance, karma. Therefore, this person's petty inborn supernormal abilities can be reinforced by this karma. He can develop some minor supernormal abilities, though they are incapable of doing anything significant."(Third Translation Edition)

Based on this, I realized that the CCP culture's black-substance karmic field is just a kind of low-level, evil being. The size of its particles is big. It has little power, including the evil beings hidden inside. To our Dafa disciples, they are nothing. But to the Chinese people, who have been poisoned and brainwashed for a long time by the evil CCP culture, they are like a huge mountain, blocking their path of salvation.

In "Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference," Master said,

"I say that because during the journey you will have hardships, tests of every sort, unforeseen ordeals, and you will have unexpected interference from all kinds of attachments and emotion. The interference will come from family, society, good friends, and even fellow cultivators. And along with this there is interference from changes in the state of human society and from human notions that were formed in society. All of those things can drag you back to being like an ordinary person. But if you can break through all of it, you can advance towards godhood. So as a cultivator, what is truly remarkable is when you can be steadfast and have righteous thoughts so firm that nothing can sway you. Be solid and firm like diamond, or granite, and then nothing can affect you--evil will be afraid at the mere sight of you. If upon encountering trying circumstances your thinking can be truly righteous, then, when faced with the evil's persecution and when faced with interference, just one sentence of yours fortified with steadfast righteous thoughts can instantly make the evil disintegrate (applause), and it will make those who are being used by the evil turn and flee, it will make the evil's persecution of you dissolve, and it will make the evil's interfering with you disappear without a trace. One thought born of righteous faith is all it takes. And whoever can hold firm that righteous thought and go the distance will become a magnificent god forged by Dafa."

In "Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Canada Fa Conference," Master said,

"Everything here in human society was established for Fa-rectification, and all that exists today exists for the sake of my Dafa disciples validating the Fa. Remember: you are the stars of today's world, you are the lives that sentient beings are watching the most intently, and you are beings who are determining the future of every person in the human world! (Applause) So, saving all beings and cultivating yourselves well are of the utmost importance for you, the Dafa disciples. It's not done just for the Consummation of your own being--it is also about fulfilling the hopes that have been placed in you by sentient beings, by more beings!"

Benevolence and righteous thoughts are the powerful means by which Dafa disciples conquer all evil and difficulties. They are our safeguard, and they help us fulfill the grand vows we made before history to save sentient beings and advance towards consummation. From the perspective of eliminating the evil and saving sentient beings, our Dafa disciples should keep benevolent thoughts, maintain righteous thoughts and actions and do better the three things Dafa disciples should do.

Eliminating the pollution of the CCP culture is not our purpose. The reason for our clarifying the truth and eliminating evil is to help people to show their true attitude towards Dafa without any external interference, so that they can choose their futures on their own.

This is my personal understanding and enlightenment; please compassionately point out anything that is inappropriate.