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Tortured to Deformity by Local Police and Forced Labor Camp Workers, Xinjiang Practitioner Ms. Gu Ping Dies Untimely Death

July 23, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Gu Ping came from Kashi City, Xinjiang Province. She was harassed, detained and severely beaten because she practiced Falun Dafa. The brutal torture and abuse she suffered while she was in Wulapo Forced Labor Camp caused her emaciated appearance. She also developed symptoms of liver cancer. She was released in June 2003 but still suffered persecution at the hands of the local police. Her body became extremely deformed by torture. She jumped out of a building and died on December 2, 2003. (Note: This behavior is against Falun Dafa's requirements that suicide is forbidden. We hope that all practitioners in times of tribulation are able to follow Falun Dafa's requirements that under no circumstances should anyone take their own life. Practitioners should cherish their human bodies and the opportunity to practice Dafa. Ms. Gu Ping committed suicide under circumstances of extreme suffering brought on by the evil persecution. All the responsible parties will ultimately meet with justice, since the universe has a law that good deeds will meet with good returns, and evildoings will meet with due retribution.)

Ms. Gu Ping was 28 years old and had graduated from college. She lived in The Spinning and Weaving Factory in Xinjiang Kashi City. She obtained Dafa in 1997. She went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and was detained, but she escaped with righteous thoughts. When she went to Beijing again in June 2000, she was held by Kashi Public Security at the Kashi Detention Center and was later released to her father. At the end of 2001, Zhao Yingjie, Wang Jian and others from the Kashi Political Security Department broke into Ms. Gu Ping's house. They confiscated all her Dafa materials and took her to the Kashi Detention Center. They severely beat and tortured her for five days and nights and left her with cuts and bruises all over her body.

In April 2001, Ms. Gu Ping was sentenced to three and half years in forced labor camp and was held at the Urumqi Women's Forced Labor Camp (Wulapo). In October 2001, the police intensified the brainwashing. They "transformed" her and later released her. She was secretly detained again near New Year's Eve 2002 and held in the Wulapo Forced Labor Camp. In June 2003, after being abused and tortured for a long time, she became emaciated and developed symptoms of liver cancer. Refusing to take responsibility for their actions, the Labor Camp workers released her in June 2003.

She was divorced in June 2003 and began to teach in a private school in Kuerle. The local police detained her in August 2003. She started a hunger strike in order to resist the evil violence. Seven days later, the police injected her with unknown drugs. In August 2003, the Kashi Political Security department took her to seek medical attention. They told her family that the local Public Security was responsible for all the expenses. They went to the local private clinic for treatment.

Ms. Gu Ping's father was a retired worker and severely limited financially. Her medical bill was already over several thousand yuan, and the local Public Security officials delayed paying the fee. Ms. Gu's father brought her for treatment anyway, both of them miserable. When her illness deteriorated, she went to the Kashi No. 2 Oncology Hospital for treatment in November 2003. The liver cancer devastated her already weakened body. Due to the long-standing torture and persecution, she jumped out of a building and died on December 2, 2003.

July 12, 2005