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A Report on the Circumstances of Illegally-sentenced Practitioners from Qingdao City

July 21, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The following are the present circumstances of unlawfully-sentenced Falun Dafa practitioners from Qingdao City:

Mr. Su Jun is 29 years old, a practitioner from the Shinan District. He had been illegally detained twice, once in April 2001 and another time in March 2004. He was arrested on August 26, 2004. The court tried him on January 20, 2005 without informing his family. He was sentenced to three-and-a-half years and is appealing now.

Ms. Cui Ling is 32 years old. She lives in the Xinjiazhuang Sub-district of the Shinan District and has a 3-or 4-year-old daughter. Ms. Cui was illegally sentenced in 2005. Rumor has it that she has been sent to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan City.

Mr. Wang Chenglin, from Qingdao City, is 40 years old. He started practicing Falun Gong in 2000. He had been illegally detained twice by the Qingdao police and been ruthlessly tortured. After being released, Mr. Wang became homeless and went to Anqiu City. In October 2002 he was arrested by persons from the Anqiu Police Department and was released after being fined 10 thousand yuan. In April 2003, the Anqiu Court sentenced Mr. Wang to 11 years for passing out Falun Dafa truth-clarification materials. He is currently incarcerated in the Jinan Prison in Shandong Province. His family has not been permitted to visit him during the past six months. They don't know whether or not he is still alive.

Ms. Qiu Xiuxin is 35 years old. She lives at 34 Second Beizhong Road, the Shibei District, Qingdao City. She had gone to Beijing and held a 99-meter-long banner for Falun Gong with more than 20 other practitioners. She was illegally sentenced to 10 years, and is currently locked up in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan City.

Ms. Wei Yufen and Wei Yumei are sisters, about 40 years old, from the Sifang District, Qingdao City. In 2004, the local truth clarification materials production site was destroyed, and they were sentenced to 10 years in prison. Now they are incarcerated in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan City.

Mr. Liu Zhihuan is 67 years old. He is the former chief manager of the First City Construction Company in Qingdao City, and the former director of the Engineering Department, Headquarters of the Eastern Development District in Qingdao City. He is a well-known, good and incorruptible government official. The Qindao police arrested him on August 6, 2002 and unlawfully searched his house. Mr. Liu was first held in the Dashan Detention Center in Qingdao City and then sentenced to four years. Now, he is incarcerated in Weifang City's Weibei Prison.

Mr. Su Jiangting was a former police officer from the Licun Forced Labor Camp in Qingdao. He was illegally sentenced to 7-1/2 years for surfing the Internet in an Internet café.

Ms. Wang Jinling was illegally sentenced to four or five years. She is being held in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan now. Her boyfriend Liu Chun died from persecution in 1999, which was reported on the Minghui website.

Ms. Fu Hong was reported by somebody and arrested when she was passing out Dafa truth-clarifying materials in March 2002. She was sentenced to three years and taken to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan in October 2002. She was supposed to be released in March 13, 2005, but instead of letting her go home, policemen sent her to the Mingxia Road Brainwashing Class in Qingdao for further persecution.

Ms. Zhang Shuzhen, 60 years old, lives in the #7 Building, 2nd Unit, Apt. 502, Tuandao 3rd Rd. She was illegally sentenced to four years in 2001 and is jailed in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

Ms. Wang Xiuchan was illegally sentenced to four years, and is serving her sentence in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

Mr. Shao Huimin is 53 years old. She was illegally sentenced to four years.

Ms. Lan was illegally sentenced to three years in 2004.

Ms. Bian Lixun was arrested by persons from the Ruichang Rd. Police Station and was illegally sentenced. She was sent to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

Ms. Cui Hongjun is from Jiaonan, Qingdao. She was illegally sentenced to eight years. We have even heard that her sentencing document states that the sentence should not be reduced. Ms. Cui was sent to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

Ms. Gao Fengqin is from Jimo. She was illegally sentenced to four years in 2004.

Ms. Sun Gongxiang is from Jimo. She was a preschool teacher. A parent who did not know the truth about Falun Dafa reported her when she was handing out Dafa truth-clarifying material in the school. Ms. Sun was sentenced to four years and was sent to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

Ms. Liang Su'e is 56 years old. She is a farmer from Longquan Village, Huashan Town, Jimo City, Shandong Province. She was illegally sentenced to four years in August 2002, and was sent to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

Ms. Lu Xiufang was from Jimo. She was locked up in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan and died as a result of the persecution.

Ms. Ji Xiuling, 43 years old, lives in Guandongdianzi Village, Jiaozhou City. At the end of 2002, she was secretly sentenced to four years in prison.

Ms. Li Xia is 33 years old. She lives in Haojiazhuang Village, Nanducun Township, Jiaozhou City. She was sent to the Dashan Detention Center in Qingdao in March 2003. After one month, Ms. Li was secretly sentenced to four years in prison.

Ms. Yu Airong is 45 years old. She lives Dakuaijiagou Village, Nanducun Township, Jiaozhou City. She was secretly sentenced to four years in the winter of 2002.

Ms. Lu Fenghua 40 years old, from Dalujiatan Town, Jiaonan City, was illegally sentenced to seven years in July 2001.

Ms. Wang Xiyu is illegally incarcerated in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

Ms. Leng Xuanju is locked up in the same prison.

Mr. Wang Mingliang, also locked up in the same prison, in the male section, is from Longkou. He graduated from Qingdao Chemical Engineering College. He remained in Qingdao after graduation, in order to produce Dafa truth-clarifying materials. He called a former practitioner from his apartment, who had betrayed Dafa, and tried to help this person to come back on the right path. However, the police were monitoring his call and Mr. Wang was arrested. He was illegally sentenced to five years.

Mr. Su Jing is a former policeman from the Qingdao Police Department. A traitor named Li Guifang sold him out. He was illegally sentenced to seven years and locked up in the First Provincial Prison in Jinan.

Mr. Li Zhenwen was illegally sentenced to three years in 2002. He was released from Weibei Prison because he had been on a hunger strike for seven months and almost died. Mr. Li was arrested again in 2004 and deprived of freedom in a prison in Jinan.

Mr. Xie Xin is 30 years old. He was sentenced to five years for making Falun Dafa truth clarification materials. He is being held in a Weibei prison.

Mr. Zang Hongtu is 30 years old. He was illegally sentenced to four years in 2002. He is incarcerated in a Weibei prison.

Mr. Jiang Tao is 34 years old. He was a teacher in [a school affiliated with the] Qingdao Steel Industry Company. Mr. Jiang was illegally sentenced to four years in October 2001 for handing out Dafa truth clarification materials. He is incarcerated in a Weibei prison.

Mr. Wang Tao is 23 years old. He was illegally arrested and sentenced in August 2002. He is incarcerated in a Weibei prison.

Mr. Liu Weixian is 60 years old. In 2004, the truth clarification materials production site he was involved with was destroyed. Mr. Liu was sentenced to ten years and is now trying to appeal.

Mr. Han Mingxing is from the Licang District. He was sentenced to four years in 2004.

Mr. Li Gang is 35 years old. He was secretly arrested on November 9, 2002 by personnel from the Bureau of State Security. On December 19, 2002 Licang District police department personnel arrested him. Qingdao's Licang District procuratorate approved the arrest. That district court sentenced Mr. Li to four years. He is locked up in a Weibei prison now.

Mr. Wang Mingjiang is from Jiaozhou. In 2004 he was sentenced to five years for refusing to renounce Falun Gong, and is now jailed in a Weibei prison.

Mr. Qiu Yuanjin is from Jiaozhou. He was sentenced to four years.

Mr. Liu Yaoqian is from Jiaonan. He was sentenced to four years.

Mr. Shao Songbao is 33 years old. He was an employee of the Mingyue Seaweed Company in Jiaonan City and was sentenced to eight years.

Mr. Zhou Hengjun is from Laixi. After one year of unlawful incarceration in the Laixi Prison, he was sentenced to four years and jailed in a Weibei prison. His daughter Zhou Yongmei was jailed in the Dashan Detention Center in Qingdao for ten months, then was sentenced to five years in August 28, 2002 and sent to a Jinan prison.

Ms. Zhao Xiuhua and Ms. Wang Guixiang were sentenced to five years in April 25, 2002.

Mr. Zhou Zhaohua and Mr. Leng Zhongjia were sentenced to four years on April 25, 2002.

Mr. Wang Yang lives in the Fushan area in Qingdao. He was sentenced to three years in 2005 for conveying truth clarification information via a cell phone. Mr. Wang is being held in the Dashan Detention Center in Qingdao.

Ms. Liang Zhaohui is 30 years old. She is from Qingdao's Shinan District. Ms. Liang went to the press conference held in Beijing in 1999 and to the 1999 Fa conference in Guangzhou. Ms. Liang was sentenced to seven years, and was deprived of freedom in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan, but was released last year. Due to the persecution, she has been brainwashed.

Mr. Jiang Zhong is 30 years old. Before July 20, 1999, he was sentenced to three years for "divulging state secrets" because he sent internal government documents to Hong Kong that proved that the government was about to start the persecution of Falun Gong. He was jailed in a Weibei prison but has now been released. Under the severe persecution, Mr. Jiang was tortured, was forced into field labor and was subjected to below-freezing temperatures wearing only thin clothing. Mr. Jiang had lost much weight and suffered brainwashing.

July 4, 2005