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A Young Official in China: "Falun Gong Is Winning People's Hearts and Cannot Be Suppressed!"

July 20, 2005 |  


1. One young official in the Disciplinary Committee uttered with emotion, "Falun Gong is winning people's hearts. Falun Gong has the support of the people and cannot be suppressed!"

2. A asked B a favor through C. A was worried and said to B, "Don't forget!" C replied, "Don't worry, she is a Falun Gong practitioner."

3. The Town Secretary from Henan Province took a walk in Tiananmen Square. As soon as he reached into his pocket for some tissues to blow his nose, a plainclothes police officer patrolling the area immediately seized him. The policeman twisted his arms behind his back and shoved him onto the ground. Afterwards, the secretary exclaimed, "They assumed that I was a Falun Gong practitioner and almost arrested me. Now, I know how they treat Falun Gong practitioners."

4. At a friend's gathering, A said that her child had just joined the Party. B said that her son would also join the Party. Immediately, it was quiet and no one congratulated them. Recently, I ran into B again and we discussed the issue of withdrawing from the Party. She heaved a long sigh and said, "My son did not join the Party since it's necessary to pay them several thousand yuan. You have to pay the money in order to fill out the form. You have to buy the Party ticket. So he decided not to join the Party."