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Australia: Before July 20, Falun Gong Practitioners' Parade in Melbourne Moves People's Hearts (Photos)

July 19, 2005 |   By a practitioner from Australia

(Clearwisdom.net) On the early morning of Saturday, July 16, Melbourne Falun Gong practitioners went to the City Square in Downtown Melbourne and began a series of activities against the persecution of Falun Gong. Practitioners held group practice and a grand parade.

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Falun Gong practitioners' parade draws people's attention

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Reenactment of torture methods used against practitioners shocks people

It was cloudy in Melbourne that day. The cold wind blew hard and it seemed as if a rainstorm was coming. Falun Gong practitioners were not affected by the weather at all. They silently practiced the Falun Gong exercises and the entire scene was very peaceful.

At noon, the practitioners' march set off. They paraded through the downtown area, including Chinatown. Three children who held in hands the signs with words, Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, respectively, led the procession. A waist drum troupe and a flag team who carried seven flags of different colors including red, orange, yellow, green, blue green, blue, and purple followed the children. Behind them was a group of practitioners who held photos of fellow practitioners who died from the persecution. After them was a display of the torture methods used in the persecution and a team calling to bring Jiang to justice.

The parade proceeded through the busy downtown area and attracted many people's attention. In particular, when the carts on which the torture methods were reenacted passed by, people were shocked. Practitioners who went with the carts continuously explained to people, "The Chinese Communist regime is persecuting innocent Falun Gong practitioners this way." While explaining, they also distributed truth-clarification materials to people on the roadsides. A western lady said with surprise, "Oh, it's Falun Gong! I have to take a careful look!" Several students from Hong Kong said while watching the parade, "Wow, it turns out that all these are real. Previously, I did not believe it, but now I do." A young lady was shocked at the torture reenactment and said, "I've never heard of Falun Gong before. Thank you very much for telling me!" Some passersby said with tears hanging in their eyes, "We are aware of your situation. We wish you good luck!"

After the two-hour parade, practitioners went back to the City Square. It started raining hard. People who watched parade still read the truth-clarifying materials, opening their eyes and hearts.