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Partial Account of Practitioners Persecuted in the Women's Division of Tumuji Forced Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia

June 09, 2005 |   By a practitioner in Inner Mongolia, China

(Clearwisdom.net) The Women's Division of Tumuji Forced Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia started a brainwashing class in its hospital on August 2, 2004 in order to force practitioners to give up cultivation in Dafa. They assigned six police officers and two guards to watch one practitioner and harass her both physically and mentally. Many practitioners were severely persecuted.

On the afternoon of October 6, they called a meeting to attack Falun Gong. In the meeting, Siqingaowa yelled: "Falun Gong is good." A few police officers came, dragged her out, and put her in solitary confinement. They subsequently sent her to the brainwashing class, where they had two policewomen continually bombard her with propaganda . They did not let her sleep unless she cooperated with them. Normally they only allowed her two hours of sleep each night. They once deprived her of sleep for four nights in a row. They also forced her to sit motionless on a narrow bench for a prolonged period of time.

Practitioner Fan Guizhi was sent to the brainwashing class around November 28, 2004. Just like Siqingaowa, she was forced to stand and was deprived of sleep. The punishment lasted for about a month, followed by another month of solitary confinement. Around April 10, 2005, she was sent to the brainwashing class again. Two collaborators, Li Xiaoyun and Guo Junxiu, tried to convert her. When they failed, the police began to persecute her themselves, causing great damage to her mental and physical health. She has since been sent to Hohhot for further persecution.

Practitioner Wang Wei had her labor camp term extended twice because she refused to attend the meeting attacking Falun Gong. She went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. On the sixth day, she was taken to the hospital to be force-fed and injected with drugs. She was handcuffed to the bed with her arms spread apart to stop her from resisting. She was then sent to the brainwashing class on January 4, 2005. Policeman Ma Hongyun and Zhai Qiuhua were among those persecuting her.

Practitioner Chen Jinhong was taken to the brainwashing class in March 2005. For the first twenty days or so she was deprived of sleep. When she protested, she was hung up and handcuffed to a bunk bed with Teacher's picture put below her feet by policemen Ma Hongyun and Zhang Yaguang. As a result of the hanging, her legs became severely swollen and cramped and were in extreme pain, which made it difficult for her to walk. The police officers laughed at her. On April 10, another practitioner, Liu Aihua, was sent to the brainwashing class and endured the same torture.

Practitioner Li Ping was spotted by team leader Li Aiye and policewoman Zhai Shuhe when she was reading Teacher's articles. When other people went out to work she was ordered to stay, and was handcuffed to a bed. Li Aiye slapped her a dozen times. After their work, practitioners Zhu Yuzhen, Ma Xiuling, and Zhang Chunjie went to Li Aiye to demand Li Ping's release, and asked to see the captain. When the captain came, he beat the three practitioners, kicking some and hitting the others with an electric baton.

The police in Genhe County arrested practitioners Fan Guizhi, Wang Wei and Chen Jinhong and sent them to Tumuji Forced Labor Camp. They have been held there since April 2002 without any legal process.

Policemen involved in the persecution: Ma Hongyun, Zhai Qiuhua, Mou Fengrong, Chen Qiang, Wang Yiping, Li Aiye