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Ms. Zhang Xingyi Exposes the Illegal Activities of the Chinese Embassy and Jinbian Immigration Office in Cambodia

June 04, 2005 |   By Zhang Xingyi

(Clearwisdom.net) My name is Zhang Xingyi. I am a Chinese citizen living in the Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province. I arrived in Jinbian City, Cambodia in June of 1998 and my husband Li Guojun, also arrived at Jinbian in July 1998. We were both teaching at the Jinbian Chinese School. We worked diligently, and also obeyed Cambodia's laws.

At the beginning of July of 2002, agents from the Cambodia Immigration Office wanted to talk to us about Falun Gong's truth clarification materials. In the middle of July, the school that we were working for terminated our jobs. At the same time, all Chinese schools were ordered to reject our applications for employment. At that time, the Chinese Embassy had collected my passport renewal fee, but hadn't yet renewed my passport. I realized that the problem was serious, and I contacted the UNHCR (Headquarters of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). After learning about our situation, the UNHCR immediately issued a document to protect us.

On August 2, 2002, seven or eight policemen broke into my home (139th Road 1FE, Jinbian). I showed them the documents from the UNHCR, but they ignored them and arrested us. We were then detained at the capital immigration prison. The police told us clearly that the Chinese Embassy had ordered our arrest. The reason they gave was that somebody reported to the embassy that we had received a package of Falun Gong truth-clarification materials and were handing them out.

On August 5, the police told us that the Chinese Embassy needed to talk to us. We were dragged out of the prison wearing only our sleeping clothes, put in a car, and driven to the airport. We were carried into an airplane and sent back to China. After we got back to China, we were immediately sent to the Changsha Detention Center. One month later, I was released on bail. I walked out of the detention center without any shoes.

Starting on September 9, 2002, I continuously appealed to various levels of government organizations to restore my citizenship and my property rights. I also wrote a letter to the new president Hu Jintao, to request my basic rights.

Right now, I am accusing the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia. China's Embassy in Cambodia organized this. They broken human rights laws, as well as international agreements. They deprived me of my personal freedom, which is also against China's own Constitution.

I am also accusing Cambodia's Jinbian Immigration Office. Jianbian's Immigration Office trampled our freedom and our human rights; they have also abused freedom of belief in Cambodia. They helped the Chinese Communist regime arrest us, even though they knew that we were protected by the United Nations. This breaks international law, and brings disrespect to the United Nations.

About 12 a.m. on April 28, 2005, the police from the Hunan Province Police Department, Tianxin Branch of Changsha City Police Department and Xinkaipu Police Station, arrested me and ransacked my home. I am illegally detained at the Changsha City Detention Center. My passport is being withheld, and I am granted no human rights.