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Summary of Other Articles and News - May 16, 2005

June 04, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Persecution against Falun Gong Practitioners in Shouguang City, Shandong Province

Ms. Yang Yueying is a Falun Gong practitioner in Daotian Town of Shouguang City, Shandong Province. Before she practiced Falun Gong, she suffered from many chronic diseases. Since starting the practice in March 1997, she has gained great physical and mental benefits. In the New Year of 2000, two officials (one of them had last name of Fu) from the Daotian Town government office called her to the village office and tried to force her to curse Teacher. She refused. The official named Fu then called for two police vehicles. Four policemen took her and two other Falun Gong practitioners to Dangui Hotel, which is owned by the town government, and detained them there for four days and nights. In 2001, Ms. Yang and another practitioner were reported to police by a person in the neighboring village. Police from the Daotian Town Police Station broke into Ms. Yang's home, arrested her and took her to a brainwashing center unlawfully. Li Tongzhong, the head of the 610 Office in Shouguang City, was also the head of the brainwashing center. They deprived Ms. Yang of sleep continuously for days and nights and tried to force her to listen to filth against Falun Dafa. Ms. Yang refused to listen. At 9:00 a.m. on January 24, 2004, Ms. Yang and three other practitioners were reading Falun Gong books in Wei Shuzhang's home in Weifang Village, Daotian Town in Shouguang City. Suddenly officers from the Shouguang City Police Department and Daotian Town Police Station broke into Wei's residence. They unlawfully confiscated a color TV, a VCD player, a certificate of deposit for 2000 yuan, and 800 yuan in cash. Then they arrested the four practitioners to the "610 Office" of Shouguang City. The next morning, the police beat two practitioners in the 610 Office. That evening, these two practitioners were sent to Shouguang City Brainwashing Center. As soon as they got to the brainwashing center, they were handcuffed for four consecutive days and nights. The brainwashing center threatened the practitioners' families to pay a 5,000 yuan fine. If the families refused to pay, the practitioners would be sent to a forced labor camp for three years. Mr. Wei Shuzhang did not have that much money to pay the fine, so he was sent to Changle Forced Labor Camp for no legal reason. Mr. Wei was not released until the end of 2004. During that period in the labor camp, he endured countless tortures.


Criminal Acts by People in Qingzhou City

Ms. Liu Haiyan is a Falun Gong practitioner in Koubunan Village of Qingzhou City, Shandong Province. At around 10:00 p.m. on September 2, 2004, seven policemen suddenly surrounded Ms. Liu's home. They abducted Ms. Liu's father, Ms. Liu, and another Falun Gong practitioner who was at Ms. Liu's home at that time. The police then beat Ms. Liu's mother and searched her home. The group was detained in Koubu Town Police Substation. The police handcuffed Ms. Liu to a metal chair and handcuffed the other practitioner to a wooden chair. They tortured Ms. Liu the whole night. As a result of the torture, her wrists were bleeding and her arms were swollen and covered in bruises. At around 11:00 a.m. the next day, Ms. Liu was unlawfully sent to Qingzhou City Detention Center and beaten badly by the police. She then endured mental torture for 28 days before she was sent to a brainwashing center. Seven days later, she suffered a mental collapse due to the torture.
