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A Youth in China Writes About the Truth of Falun Gong in an Exam Paper

June 28, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In the materially-focused, special economic district in China, the showcasing of prosperity has made people nearly forget the true aim of life. It is hard to find a person with a clear mind, but I met a brave youth not long ago.

That day, a twelve-year-old youth said to me, "I was really brave!"

I asked, "How were you brave?" He said with pride "We had a test of the Chinese language, and the topic of my essay was "Motherland, Let Me Tell You Gently." I then wrote what I knew was the truth about Falun Gong in the paper. I hoped that all the people could clearly know the truth about Falun Gong, including teachers and students in the school." I was impressed, and asked him, "Weren't you afraid that you might have trouble writing openly about the truth of Falun Gong on an exam paper?" He said steadily and confidently, "No, I was not. It is the truth." Good boy, I thought, and I nodded to show my whole-hearted approval.

The boy is a grade one student in a junior school in the special economic district. The highest score for the article was 40. He got 23, which is one point from passing.

This is a really brave young man. His truthfulness and sincerity are great enough to make cowardly and hypocritical adults feel shame.

Appendix: The young man's article "Motherland, Let Me Tell You Gently"

Motherland, let me tell you gently...

Maybe a lot of people have heard of Falun Gong, but before they could truly understand it on their own, the government stepped in and defined Falun Gong as an evil cult. This definition is completely wrong.

Falun Gong is a Fa that teaches people to be truthful, compassionate, and tolerant by practice. What is "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance?" Truthfulness is asking people to tell the truth, do the truth, and not cheat other people. Compassion is teaching people to be compassionate, and to help those who need help. Tolerance is telling people to be tolerant all the time. How can this possibly be evil?

Now, there are over 100 million people practicing Falun Gong, including doctors, lawyers, artists, writers, scientists, and politicians. China is the only country in the world that prohibits it, and instead of slowing Falun Gong's progress, it is being spread everywhere, including Hong Kong and Taiwan. We can see people spreading fliers throughout the world to tell the truth. They try to awaken those people who don't know the truth about Falun Gong. We see them whether it is sunny or raining.

Thousands of whys always occur in my mind. Why can't China stop the persecution of Falun Gong? Why does the Chinese Government stick to its erroneous ways? Isn't it true that they stick to their mistakes only for their own good?

Motherland, let me tell you gently, Falun Gong is good. The government is wrong.