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Stories from Mainland China: Co-workers are Chatting about the Nine Commentaries and Talking about Quitting the CCP

June 28, 2005 |  


Co-workers are chatting about the 9 commentaries and talking about quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

One day a practitioner held out a booklet entitled Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and gave it to her husband to take a look. Her husband didn't even finish the first commentary before he threw the booklet aside and scolded loudly, "You said that you don't participate in politics. You are actually against the Communist Party....." and so on. He kept doing this without stopping and his attacking words became more and more nasty.

His wife was not angry and her thoughts were not influenced. She quietly sent out righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors that controlled him until he stopped talking. Then she started to tell him about the truth. She said to him, "You and I have reasons to be husband and wife. Letting you read the Nine Commentaries is to save you. As a matter of fact, whether you want to be saved or not is your choice. I need to go and save others."

After hearing what she said, her husband did not say anything and went to work. At work, several co-workers were talking about the Nine Commentaries. He thought: "It is strange that I didn't mention it whey they were chatting about it first." He listened to them quietly over their sides. After work, he shouted as he entered his home, "Hurry up and give me the Nine Commentaries." His wife said, "Someone took it already." "Find another copy for me then" he replied.

His wife saw him indeed get clearer and said to him with a smile, "I don't have the booklet anymore. But I do have a VCD. Do you want to watch the VCD instead?" He said, "Yes, I want to watch it."

Then after finishing watching the Nine Commentaries on VCD, he asked his wife to help him publish his own three withdrawal announcements.

The next day he went to work, and his co-workers were still discussing the Nine Commentaries. They were talking about the three withdrawal announcements and didn't know how to do it. Someone said, "There is a website on the back of the booklet. I don't know whether we can successfully put the announcement there." The husband then interrupted from aside, "You can call to quit."

That person asked him, "Do you know the phone number?" He thought, "I asked my wife to help me do that, so I myself don't know the phone number" The other person saw him not say a word and asked him again, "Have you quit yet?" He murmured, "Yes, I have".

"Then you must know the phone number, please tell me now". Another co-worker then said, "Why so complicated? Just ask him to do it for us, how is that?"

He originally didn't want others know his wife has ways of helping others to announce the withdrawal statement. But now he had to say yes to his co-workers. As a result, there have been over 20 people announcing their withdrawal statements through him.

A PhD student realizes the evil nature of the CCP

A Dafa disciple's cousin was accepted as a Ph.D. student after passing the exam of a University. The school leaders wanted to welcome her to join the CCP. She told her classmates about this and they all said to her: "It is out of date to join the CCP now. You better not to do it since it doesn't do you any good." She said, "As a matter of fact, I joined the CCP when I was in college. School has not been informed about that yet." Her classmates were surprised: "How could you be a CCP member? You are such a nice person, why do you want to join it?" This Ph.D. student went home and told her cousin (a Dafa disciple) about the conversation. The practitioner told the student about the Nine Commentaries and about the withdrawals from the CCP. She suddenly understood and wrote a withdrawal statement. She also asked to co-sign her husband's name and to quit together. These days, the CCP is disregarded by everyone.